Chapter 12

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Harry’s POV

There were a lot of shops in this new shopping centre! It would at least take more the half of the day to visit all the shops here. Yeh it was that big. The main entrance was really beautiful. It had two dolphin fountains on each side and a path with made out of stones.  But inside the shopping centre, it was huge.

Even though this shopping centre opened only a few days ago, this place was still full of people and every single of those people had at least one or more shopping bags in their hands

“Shall we start with this shop first?” Niall asked pointing to the first shop that came in his sight.

“Sure! Come on guys!” Liam said and began to head towards the shop.

“Sorry guys, I gotta go to the apple store real quick! They must have it here! I’ll get to you guys as soon as I can!” Louis shouted as he ran off to find the store. Yeh, its gonna take quite a while for you to find it, as you can see it was quite a big shopping centre.

Me, Niall and Liam headed inside the shop and there were just clothes. Everywhere you looked. Just what Niall needed!

We all looked around the shop and I spotted some really nice clothes for myself and some for Niall but why would he like my choice? I mean, he doesn’t even remember that whenever he needed new clothes, me and him went to get it and we had the best time of our lives every time, but this time is just… Different. I don’t like different.

“Guys, I found a few T-shirts that I like so im gonna go try them on.” Niall told me and Liam before he went to the changing room in the shop. He had about 8 t-shirts in his hand? Maybe more. And yes, that’s a few t-shirts Niall.

Me and Liam went towards the changing rooms where Niall was. Obviously we didn’t know which one he was in coz they were lots of other changing rooms.

“Niall! Where are you?!” Liam shouted.

“I’m here! In the second last one!” Niall yelled from his changing room.

Liam and I walked down to Niall’s changing room and stood outside.

“So you like any of them?” Liam questioned Niall and Niall opened the door of the changing room and he was wearing a red t-shirt that really really suited him! He looked… Hot. Yes, H.O.T.

I tried so hard to keep my mouth shut and not comment about his top but my mouth had a mind of its own.

“That looks really hot on you.” I put a hand over my mouth and my eyes popping out. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Why did I say that!?!?!  Should of just kept it in my mind not let Niall know about it! Why didn’t I just go with Louis? I looked over to Niall and his face was really hot now. Aw, he was blushing! I love it when he blushes! AWWW! I looked over to Liam and he just had a smirk on his face and was staring at me.

Niall is still blushing and he says “Um, I’m gonna.. try an-another T-shirt..” and he goes back in the changing room. It’s so cute when he’s shy!

“I’m gonna go check on Louis, it’s been a while and he still hasn’t come yet, I wonder if he even found the apple store yet, tell Niall that I'm coming in a while” Liam whispered. Why is he whispering? Why doesn’t he just tell Niall that Niall that he's going? 

"Oh and Harry? Kept it low, will you?" What the hell? I thought he went?! And now I'm the one blushing like mad! 

I didn't say anything to Niall, and he did t say anything to me. But he thought that Liam was still out here with me but he wasn't. I checked that if Liam was still here or not and he wasn't.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2013 ⏰

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