Chapter 10

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Niall's POV

I woke up from the strong beam of sunshine coming through my bedroom window, and shining bright into my eyes. I looked at my alarm clock which was on my bed side table with my tired and sleepy eyes.

I could hardly see the time, but I managed. '9:59' the clock read.

Liam would be here any minute.. Speaking of Liam, where has he been? I haven't seen him since last night when he gave me a cup of tea and just vanished. Didn't hear him or see him last night. Strange right?

I'm going to be getting up soon anyway so I just want to cherish the last few minutes of sleeping before I actually wake up! Liam might be laying around the house somewhere, right? I turned my direction so the sun was no longer in my face. I felt like I saw a curly haired boy laying down in bed next to me but I'm half asleep, so I might be imagining? I smiled to that imagination, or was it? What if it was real?! That someone is in my bed and I don't know about it... That's scary...

I opened my eyes, big and wide, and you'll never guess what I saw! It actually was a curly haired boy, so it wasn't my imagination and thi- Hang on, is that Harry? OH MY GOD! I just slept with a person who I don't even know properly! This isn't good. This isn't good. THIS ISN'T GOOD!

I worriedly, got out of bed and quietly walked over to the bathroom door. My floor boards are a bit squeaky and I don't want to wake up Harry, not that I want him to explain what happened last night or anything it's just that.. Oh never mind!

Ok, maybe I was wrong.. The floor boards are a lot squeaky than I thought. As I stepped forward, the floor boards would squeaky louder than the last one, and on of them, woke Harry.

"Morning Niall." Harry said in his sleepy, sexy voice with a smirk growing on his face. That smirk, makes my stomach into a roller coaster, and butterflies building up in my stomach. I don't know why I'm feeling like this though. Recapping, did I just say his voice is sexy? Ok, I'm still half asleep. I'm still in my sleep so I don't know what I'm saying! Ok?

"Morning." I replied, biting my lower lip as I reached for the bathroom door and ran in and slammed the door shut.

I just need to calm down. Nothing is wrong. Just calm down.....

I walked over to the sink and splashed water all over my face, just to calm me down and make me feel fresh. I also brushed my teeth, in time for breakfast. I wasn't really bothered to have a shower now so I'll have it when I'm in the mood which I am not in right now.

I opened the door of the bathroom, walked outside into the room and then walked out of the room, walking towards the living room without even sharing a look with Harry.

I walked into the living room and saw a whole shelf of photos in fancy frames of... Harry and me? 

The first photo reminded me of something.

A flashback.


The beach got emptier as me and Harry were still there. We were waiting for the sun to set so we could watch the beautiful scene together. 

"Harry, You know I love you right? Forever?" I asked Harry, who was looking into my eyes and my eyes staring back. His green eyes that had a sparkle in them whenever we were together and that's only one of the things that I love about this hot cheshire lad. 

"Of course I do! Niall, we are meant to be together. Forever. I'm sure nothing can tear us apart. No one." And with his response, we kissed. Not a long kiss. It was just a quick peck on the lips.

Whenever I felt my lips against  Harry's or our skin touching, I felt so right and this is how I wanted it to be. Forever and be apart.

It was really time for sunset and me and Harry sat on the beach, hand in hand, with my head on his chest and his heart beating faster and faster. That was another thing I like about Harry.

We decided to take a picture of us with the sunset in the background. We wanted to keep it as a memory. And memories is a good thing to keep in life, right?

We watched the sun disappear from the sky and it was getting a bit dark. 

The scene of the sunset was beautiful.

He was beautiful.

And so was this date.

It was our first date, together.


I stood there looking at the photograph, clueless about that memory. 

If I had a 'first date' with Harry, then I would remember, but I don't, so that adds up to that it never actually happened.

That could be someone else that looks like me or someone edited it to mess with me or to confuse me. Either way, works.

I walked over to the sofa and sat down, trying to figure out my thoughts. At the moment, I laid my eyes on the phone that was on the table in front of me. I thought twice about picking up the phone and then I ended up picking it. 

However's phone this was, had a new message.

I couldn't resist, so I opened up the message and read the text. 

~From Louis~

Don't worry Haz. Everything is going to be fine. But Niall is going to find out sooner or later. Which is good and bad. 

So the thing for sure that this was Harry's phone. But, the lads are hiding something from me. I can just feel it, and it's even in the text. The text said that 'Niall is going to find out sooner or later' 

I am going to find out about what?


OMG!!!! CHAPTER 10!!!



Well, it's not that much of a cliffhanger but anyways,

Sorry for the late update... :(

I hope you liked the chapter but if it was boring then I'm really very sorry.

I know it wasn't to the best of my abilities but what can I do?

I have tons of homework, GCSE stress. *sigh* 

How do you think of this chapter?

Like it? 

What do you think Louis meant about 'Niall is going to find out sooner or later' ? 


AND REMEMBER, if you comment, then please vote as well.




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