Chapter 3

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Still Niall's POV

So, it had been nearly four weeks with my relationship with Harry it was going very well until today afternoon at 1:00pm in the nearby cafe or coffee shop called 'The Coffee Spot'

Well.. Mine and Harry's relationship was at a risk of falling apart because when Haz and I went to the cafe this afternoon, Harry's eyes laid on this women sitting on the other side of the counter.

I think she was a mother of two because I think the boy was her son and she had a baby in her arms... Harry just went off to her table and sat down like he knew that women and just leaving me alone when knowing that Him and I are dating, how could he?

"I don't care what Harry does or if he keeps on flirting with other people but me..." I said to myself looking very red and upset.

We were perfectly happy together for the last 3 weeks so what happened in this week that Harry had to leave me and go and flirt with other people.

 I just left the cafe and went wherever I could.

Does Harry even like me? And if he doesn't then why did he say that he wanted to date me in the first place?

I think too much... Maybe Harry knew that women and she went to his school before but he wouldn't just leave me on my own and just go to any random women without telling me. We're dating for crying out loud!!!!

I had no idea where I was going...... Everything had gone all blurry and I can't see anything properly...... I could hear people talking and cars' moving but the weird thing was that I couldn't see anything. At one moment I think I was crossing the road but I didn't know that the cars' were still moving or waiting for people to cross the road... So I just walked across the road and thought that the cars' weren't moving.... But they were.....



So guys what do u think happened next ?

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