sunny morning 🌄

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It was a sunny morning bt as usual dull for zhehan.. zhehan and his mom transferred to Beijing a month ago.his dad married his mom for money..he would always quarrel with them or beat one day his mom decided to leave everything and start a new life with zhehan..She had enough money with her so she opened a clinic for her because she was an doctor and got settled in this new place..Today was the first day of zhehan's college... Mostly every person is nervous or excited on their first day of school or college but zhehan was different.He keeps an dull expression.He wants to be like other child.He also wants to be happy but something of his past doesn't let him be happy..those bad memories always hunt him..
"Hanhan wake up!! it's Ur first day at college!!wake up honey.."said his mother.. meanwhile zhehan was groaning in bed tossing around and at last woke up with his messy hair.."ma I am awake!!now stop nagging"zhehan sighed and got up from his bed.His mom approached him and gave him a peck on his forehead.zhehan smiled and went to his bathroom to get ready for school.
After a while he got dressed and came to eat his he was fully ready to go his college.when he was about to go his ma hugged him and said encouraging things to him (although he wasn't nervous not even a lil bit). after some time he and his mom both went to their prospective places..His mom was went to her clinic. meanwhile zhehan was on his way to college.His mom told him to take the car but he preferred walking more.. After some time he reached the college gate..He took a deep breath and went inside with a fake smile..He was hoping his best that the classmates may treat him well and not ignore him like his previous classmates..So he started to go towards his locker.. Everyone was staring him..He wore a blue t-shirt and a white denim jacket with blue jeans that matched fully with his pale skin..He smelled like cherry and honey.. Girls and boys were head over heels for him but he didn't care about it and went straight to his locker..he was too engaged in finding his locker and didn't noticed that someone was coming towards his way..he bumped into that person and fell on his butt..he was wincing in pain..he looked up only to meet with an pair of eyes staring straight at his eyes with a smirk on his face...

The end

Thanks for reading this story ..hope you like it..I would appreciate a lot if u guys give a feedback of this story line so I can make changes in this story line...

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