zhehan's secret

227 33 3

3rd person pov

"My mom and my father had love marriage.. But actually it wasn't like this.. My mom was the only person who loved my father. My father only wanted her for money" Gongjun didn't said a word he just let zhehan pour out his feelings

"After my birth everything was going nicely until I turned 6..my father used to beat me without any reason..my mom didn't knew a thing about it.. She only knew that my father sometimes beat me for my pranks or for not obeying him.. But one day it got w-worse" zhehan started to tear up

Gongjun put zishu's head on his chest and hugged him tightly.. "I was out with my friends. I went in the park.. I took mom's permission also. I-I reached home late. My f-father was very angry about it. He b-beaten me again. He broke a l-liquor bottle and p-pushed me on it. The broken pieces of glasses were a-all o-over my body..it hurted me..it hurted like hell..He took his l-leather belt and hit me with it.. I couldn't feel anything and I f-fainted.. I w-woke up from my unconscious state after 6 hours.. My m-mom was c-crying holding me.. That's when she d-decided to take me from there and l-leave that monster"zhehan was a crying mess right now

" this is why I have pain attacks "" ssh hanhan it's ok I am here now.. Nothing would happen calm down.. I never knew you were going through all this alone.. Whenever something happens please tell me.. Please.. I wanna be with you forever stay by your side forever.. I won't let anyone hurt you hanhan "gongjun said while wiping zhehan's tears and luring him to sleep

Zhehan was still sniffling but he calmed down a bit by now. Gongjun picked zhehan up and laid him on the bed.. " please stay.. Don't l-leave"
zhehan Said clutching gongjun's arm's tightly as if his life depended on it

Gongjun laid beside zhehan and pulled him closer to him.. Zhehan hugged him tightly and drifted to sleep

Gongjun stayed with him till night then he left cuz tomorrow was Zhou ye's birthday


Sun rays broke through zhehan's room lighting the whole room..Zhehan groaned and moved towards his left side

The side was cold indicating that it was empty.. Zhehan immediately opened his eyes and saw that really gongjun wasn't there.. Zhehan frowned and got up from his bed

He opened the windows and went to the balcony with a sticky note to write about tomorrow but there was already a new sticky note

"Sorry sunshine I left without saying cuz today is Zhou ye's birthday and the first invitation goes to you.. Be ready for the club night ;) and I would pick you up"

Zhehan's cheeks heat up bcz of the wink emoticon and the nickname.. He was glad that gongjun accepted him and didn't make fun of him and instead comforted and supported him

Zhehan quickly went down stairs..."ma!!! I told gongjun I told him about me all of it and he supported me he stayed by my side.. He didn't leave me "

Zhehan's mom hugged him tightly
"I knew it honey. I knew it he was the one who is your soulmate.. I am so happy for you. At last you would find your spring.. " it was one of the most happiest day for zhehan

"I would tell him today mom.. I would tell him about my feelings. I would ask him to be my spring.."

Short chapter and the next chapter- there would be a big surprise🎁 ~~~

Unusual love (junzhe) (Completed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora