Chapter 1

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"Hey Jess wait up!" ,I hear Mitch yell my name from afar the hallway,I stop walking and wait as he meets up with me.

"What's up with you this afternoon,You just left the class without waiting for me to be done packing,are you alright?" ,he asks with a concerned face as I walk towards the school garden with him following me by my side.

"Yeah,of course I am fine,sorry for not waiting", I tell him removing my face making sure he doesn't notice the terrible look on my face right now.

"Come on Jess,the look  on your face shows that something is wrong,you know you can tell me anything",he says as he whirls towards me

"Andrew just sent me a breakup text ten minutes ago" , I say as I release the tears I have been trying to hide from him because I don't want him anxious about me.

Mitch is my best friend, he has always been, right from when we were in high school,we attended the same high school and now lucky to be in the same college too,he is always there for me when I need him and has never turned his back on me.

"What!,he broke up with you? I am so sorry Jess,what was his reason?" ,he asks with a desolate look on his face

"yeah he did,he didn't give me any reason,he just said we can't be with each other anymore,that he needs some space" ,I say with my eyes filled with sad tears,thinking of Andrew,how much I loved him and how hurt I am right now.

"I don't know Mitch,should I do something like going to meet him lets talk and settle this face to face",I ask Mitch as we take our sits on getting to the garden.

"Jess he has made up his mind,he sent you a breakup text, you going back to him is like you are desperate for him to be in your life like you cant live without him.But Jess, you are not a girl any guy can just mess with,you are special, you are cool, every guy would want to have you as a girl friend, and who knows if you go to his place, you might find another girl with him, that might be the reason he broke up with you because he is in love with another girl so just avoid all the horrible drama and try to move on with life",Mitch advises me as I stare at him feeling much better.

"Thanks Mitch,I am so lucky to have you",I tell him trying to force a little smile on my face.

"he is so cutee!!!, Damn he is hot and super rich, wish I could be his girlfriend for just a day",We hear some girls sitting on the other side of the garden whispering,commenting on a guy as they look at his picture through their phones.

I am sure it's no one but the mighty "Charles Evans".

Charles Evans is like most girls crush here in Hawthorne University and in the entire Hawthorne Town.He is a model,he models in different cities in America,he and his Father are both based in New York.

Charles father,Mr Evans owns like ten companies known as "Evan's Tech"all over America.Here In Hawthorne,most people especially the girls see's Charles as the prince of America.

I don't really know what they see in him that makes them so obsessed with him, aside from he is hot and rich, he is nothing else special.I am like the only girl in Hawthorne that is not obsessed with him because he just a human being like any of us and I hate his lifestyle.

He is a playboy who sleeps with different girls almost every week, throwing different types of parties and lavishing his money on ladies.Why can't he just have only one girl that he would love and cherish.Then he can be donating his money to the motherless or the poor.But it's not like that for the rich people,they believe they can do anything because they are fucking rich.

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