Chapter 7

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As Jess left Becky's,I decide to go and see my Mum today to get some answers from her.I think she might be able to help me out with my confusion,because I am very sure that what I just saw and felt this morning is very real.She also stays here at Hawthorne but a little bit far from my apartment.

"Wow Nate what a surprise!,you didn't call before coming and,Oh my God,why is your face like this, girls troubles?",Mum asks as she enters the house with a bag of vegetables, I assume she just got back from the market,she sees me in the living room sitting on the sofa felling terrified.

"Something like that",I respond to her

"What's the problem honey?",she asks as she takes a sit next to me on the living room sofa and drops the bag of vegetables on the floor.

"Since I did my 21st birthday last month,I have been getting weird feelings whenever I touch people or see people but I can't explain these feelings and today's own was so strong when I touched a girl's hand in the morning,actually not just a girl,but a special one who I actually like.When I touched her hand,I got a very weird.... and strong feeling that gave me an ache,all I could see was darkness like there was a shield covering...."I tell her before she cuts me off.

"No no no,that can't be possible,maybe you took too much drink before touching that girl,please tell me you did",she says in a tune filled with anxiety

"No Mum,you know I don't drink,please do you know anything about this?",I ask her as I suspect that she might know something through her facial expression.

"It has to do... do with your....",she says before she stops and starts to weep

"Hey Mom!calm down it's okay,it has to do with my what?",I ask her gently

"I haven't told you the entire truth about your father Nate,the reason why he is gone"

"Dad?,but you said he died through an accident he had when I still was an infant",I tell her confused

"He didn't die through an accident Nate,your father died savi...saving this town from demons.",she stammers as tears rolls down from her both eyes.

"Whoa hold on for a minute Mum,did I just hear you say Demons?"

"Yes son,twenty years from now,Hawthorne was filled with Demons who wanted to take over the earth and live in it overpowering the humans, their ruler Asmodeus was the deadliest and strongest of all the demons."

"Mom I am getting really confused here,are you telling me a story about the legends or what?,I came to you to know why I am seeing and feeling weird things not for you to tell me a folk-tale!"

"Your father was a powerful warlock Nathaniel,he died sending Asmodeus to the demon circle.The Demon circle is a powerful cell that is strong enough to hold demons and a demon as strong as Asmodeus,he used all his strength in sending Asmodeus to the prison and died at the process",Mum explains to me as I stare at her in shock and speechless.

"The demon circle!,that's the prison where my father sent Asmodeus to?",I ask her

"Yes son thanks to your Father and some others that fought alongside him,Hawthorne has been saved from Demons since twenty years ago"

"So him being a Warlock,does it have something to do with why I have been seeing and feeling weird things?"

"I believe so,we weren't very sure if you were going to inherit his powers or be chosen by the Griffins,that's is part of the reason why I didn't tell you the truth about him because I wanted you to live a normal life honey,we both did.Your father was a Griffin Warlock,Griffin Warlocks are immortal,not all new born Griffins can inherit their parent's power,only the chosen ones that can when they turn twenty-one,but for you to be experiencing all these weird feelings as you call them.

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