Chapter 2

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I get down from my car and enter into my house,

"Hey honey you are back,how was classes today?",Mum asks

"Fine,thanks",I tell her and head upstairs to my room to change into my home wear.

I don't feel like talking about Andrew right now especially not with my Mum,talking about him is like bringing back memories I don't want in my head.Right now I just want to try and eliminate everything about Andrews from my head and move on with life.

I head downstairs to the kitchen after changing into my home wear,made some cereal before taking a sit on the living room sofa and focused on the television thinking of whether to take Mitch's advice or not.

"Rich kids,their parents are all the same,always failing to discipline their children in the right way",Mum says as Charles Evans is shown on the television rated as the third richest youth in America.

"I don't support him being a playboy,but at least I appreciate his parent giving him the freedom to make his own choices and not controlling him on every step he makes unlike some other parents",I tell her holding my bowl of cereal.

"Excuse me young lady,is there anything you would want to get off your chest?",she asks as she stands up from the sofa and turns her face towards me placing her two hands on her waist.

"Andrew sent me a breakup text earlier today,he broke up with me Mum,our relationship is over!", I yell

"I am so sorry honey but it looks like you are putting the blame on me here and it's clearly not my fault he broke up with you?"

"Are you kidding me,I can't believe you are saying this, you forced me to be with Andrew and in doing so made me to fall in love with him and..,and....., you know what Mum,I am done talking too much,either you let me make my own choices and do things my own way from today now onwards or I am leaving this house because I am not a damn kid anymore!", I tell her dropping my bowl of cereal on the table and get up filled with anger and anxiety.

"What happened to you honey,this isn't you,I know it's probably because of the breakup you are acting this way,don't worry you are going to be fine",she changes her tone and calms down as she comes closer to me and try to give me a hug.

"Answer the damn question Mum!!",I yell at her before she could place her arms around me to give me a hug

She stares at me speechlessly for a while before she finally opens up

"Alright honey,you are right and I am truly sorry for the way I have been acting towards you,believe it or not it's for your protection,would you always be able to make the right decisions on your own?"

"Yes Mum,I can,I am not an eighteen years old teenager anymore,I am now in college and I would be turning twenty one before the year goes down"

"I am sorry for pushing you to do things you didn't want to do honey,I really am,I just want you to be safe,I love you but......"

"I am not packing out Mum,no matter what here would always be my home,I just want the freedom to make my own decisions........ and I am sorry for the way I yelled at you initially",I tell her apologizing due to the way I reacted earlier on.

"Come here honey",she says as I come closer and she gives me me a hug.

I was scared initially when I yelled at her and I am still kind of scared and surprise that I could actually do that but in a way,I am glad I did so because that alone proves to her that I am not a little child anymore that can be under her influence.

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