Chapter 13

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I wake up from my unconsciousness and find my self at the back sit on the left of my car with my hand,leg and mouth tied.There was a new cut in my wrist like blood was being drained out of it.I look at the driver's sit and see Ashley driving with the sacred blade on the passenger sit.

"Don't worry honey,you are getting your beloved Justin back tonight,my brother keeps to his words",she says as I stare at her in shock realizing that all this while we have been with not just only a demon but Asmodeus daughter.

"Don't get me wrong, I am not a bad person,I am just a girl who misses her father terribly after not seeing him for twenty years.You would do the same thing if you were in my shoes or if your Mum was taken away from you",she says as I struggle to release myself but couldn't due to how tight I was tied.

As we got back to the cemetery,Ashley gets down from my car with the sacred blade in her left hand.

"You wait here!",she says as she leaves and enters into the cemetery.

I think of how to untie myself but couldn't come up with any good idea or plan.I went deep into thoughts until I see an unexpected face on my car window opening the car door.

"Jessica!,your wrist,who did this to you,you were drained out of a lot blood?",My Mum yells in pity opening the car door,she is dressed in a way I have never seen her as before.She unties me gently.

I take a moment to look at her for this is the first time I am seeing her dressed like this,she was putting on a baldric with a sword at her back and a weapon belt with two small blades on each sides.

"Mum! What are you doing here?",I ask her feeling feeble

"Oh God,Jessica I thought I told you to stay at home,Hawthorne is dangerous honey,now what have you gotten yourself into,was it Dagon or another demon that did this to you?",she asks yelling as she paves way and I come out of the car.

"Wait...Mum did you find us?",I ask her still admiring her cool look.

"I found the plan you and your friends drew on the living room table and on the plan I saw St Anne's cemetery as the location"

"Alright lets be going so I can take you to Dr Robert",she says

"No Mum my friends are in there,I can't leave them.We had a plan but it's kind of destroyed now"

"Jessica you are hurt,let's be going now"

"Mum I am going in,if you are worried about my safety then come and help me save my friends",I tell her as I leave before she sighs and follows me at my back.

We both go into the cemetery and hid behind the walls while I peeped to see what was happening.Nate and Justin were laying on the ground unconscious.While Ashley and Dagon was with a warlock who was already performing the ritual with the sacred blade in one hand and a cup of blood which I know is my blood on the other hand,the warlock was holding Ashley hand with their eyes closed to perform the ritual while Dagon was on watch.

"What's happening,I hear chanting,is a warlock there?",Mum asks whispering to me

"Mum we failed,they got to Nate,Nate are Justin are both laying on the ground unconscious.they are already performing the ritual to release Asmodeus!",I tell her feeling so sad,nearly shedding tears.

"No honey,have hope we didn't fail,not yet!",she says as she leaves me and rushes to where the ritual was being performed drawing out her sword.

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