Chapter 6

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"You look so happy this afternoon,fill me in,what's going on?",Mitch asks as we head to the school garden.

"Nothing serious,just that Nate and Justin are inviting me for a trip to Maui island this weekend and I really want to go but I was worried that my Mum won't like the idea,but I guess I was wrong because she gave me her full approval today's morning when I got back from the cafe.Though I find the way she approves of all my outings awkward,it's like she changed overnight.I know I stood up to her but she has been going so easy on me since the day I stood up to her which is unlike her"

"Wow, that's amazing!, you are going to Maui with prince charming this weekend,I think I am missing something else here",Mitch says not minding what I said about my Mum and giving me one of his mischeivous smiles

"Something like... what?",I ask him with a smirk

"Like you are beginning to like someone as more than a friend,come on,you know you can tell me anything,what are best friends for?"

"you know you sound a little insane right now,right?",I ask him as I giggle a little.

"Okay,I kind of like him,but nothing serious yet,I am still checking him out and getting to know him better",I tell him

"Well,I am happy for you,have you told Justin yet,not that you like him though,about your Mum's approval",Mitch asks

"Nope,but I would let him know before today ends,maybe at history class,which we would be having soon",I tell him.

"Missing,how is that possible,he can't be missing....",The murmuring of students interrupts our conversation,we hear students talking about someone missing and it looks like the person is famous because almost everyone in the garden were talking about him/her.

We try to listen carefully to know who they are referring to before we finally catch the name, "Charles".

"Charles is really missing? I saw it on the news yesterday",I turn to Mitch and ask him.

"According to the news,he has been missing for like a month",we hear students murmuring

"His girlfriend Isabella Montez was also found dead inside the jungle at Belmont Island,through the scratches on her body,it clearly proves that she was killed by an unknown animal but the F.B.I are working on revealing the type of animal that murdered Miss Montez.

And it looks like after her death Charles Evans left New York because since the FBI became aware that Charles Evans was missing,it wasn't up to a week before the Hawthorne police department found Miss Montez body in the jungle",we hear directly from the television in the School garden.

"Mr hot dork is missing!,did all the girls which he gladly broke their hearts come together and kidnap him before killing his girlfriend?",Mitch asks jokingly

"No Mitch,don't laugh about this,even if you don't feel sympathy for the guy,but at least the girlfriend,she must have had an innocent soul and now she is dead",I tell him as I feel really bad for the poor soul.I have a feeling that she would still be alive if she never met or knew Charles.

"I can't imagine what her parents would be going through right now,I wish she never met Charles Evans",I tell Mitch with my hatred for Charles Evans increasing.His main mission on this earth is to find a way to destroy all ladies.

"Yeah,you are right,but what could be the reason or cause for her death,because even if Charles Evans is a heart breaker,I doubt he is a killer",Mitch says

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