Chapter Five - 2: Abandon Ship

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TW: mentions of suicide

low mental health really kicked my ass,,,,sorry 🫠🫠🫠
in lighter news school is also now officially over for me! ive been given authorised absence until september so i get a few weeks extra holiday for my well-being n such. which of course gives more writing time.

i hope you're all taking care of yourselves <3

Arms full of my clothes, socks wet from wading through now ankle-deep water, I try and heave my way out of the building. I'm so desperate to run. Every cell in my brain begs me to charge off, but the water only pushes against my feet, and my belongings bundled up in my arms only makes my coordination worse.

I spot the double doors to the 1-B building, and I  don't even take a minute to consider. I bolt as fast as I can against the pool surrounding me, until I'm finally in the open air. Dry ground. Dry air. Wet socks.

I don't know what's worse. Being forced out of the only comfortable place throughout campus- my soft bed, my mountain of pillows, the decently warm shower. Or having wet socks.

A couple of the others have gathered outside already. Shiro stands there, a bewildered expression cemented on his face as he tries desperately to cling onto every last garment in his wardrobe. Makeup bags and cute little pouches surround his feet, and I swear I see a whole bottle of perfume

Aki is just next to him, only holding a Tupperware with two snails. She shakes her head in dismay, "Did ya really need all that, Shiro?"

He scoffs, "Of course I do! Just because we're being evacuated doesn't mean I shouldn't look presentable."

I roll my eyes, but my body is too tired to fight back as I drop my belongings on the floor, breathing a huge sigh of relief.

"Besides," Shiro peers down at Aki, "Where are your little spider friends? Kuroko and Mamo?"

Aki shrugs, "I dunno. I think I left their tub in my bathroom. They'll be fine."

Gritting my teeth, I gulp. They aren't fine.

Kohi is next to come out, a bundle of clothing stuffed into his little satchel. He carries another pile of clothes in his arms, though they don't look like his, Black leather, gold, dainty jewellery; clothes I think Kohi wouldn't be seen dead in.

With his free hand, he drags Ayana behind him, who doesn't seem to be carrying anything. Just a gloomy look in her eyes, and a ten tonne weight on her shoulders.
"Wah!" Kohi wails, flailing his arms around like a trapped bird, "Quick! Quick! You're gonna drown! We need to get you to safe-"

"I'm fine," Ayana snaps, jerking her arm away from him, "I don't need you to chaperone me. I can walk."

Wide eyed, Kohi just stares, his eyes twinkling with confusion.

Ayana narrows her eyes, snatching the bundle of clothes from his arms, "And those are mine. Did you touch any of my underwear?"

"N-no, m'aam!" He shakes his head, lip quivering, "A-Ayana, are you-"

"Yes," She nods firmly, "I'm fine."

I stare at her, watching as she bites her lip, blinking rapidly as she tries to hold back tears.
She wanted Kaso dead so badly, and yet she seems the most upset out of all of us.

Scanning our group, I count the heads. Only 5 of us, including myself. Five out of seven.

Haruka. Mitsuharu.


I feel the shivers run through me, tingling into the very edges of my fingertips. It's just a pool of water, but still I'm wracked with fear. They could fall over. They could drown. You can drown in any depth of water, right?

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