Chapter One - 4: First Blood

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The morning announcement wakes me with a shock, as my eyes flash open. The moment I wake up, I feel the pounding in my head. Like drills in my ears, the pain feels like it could split my brain in half. My vision is warped and I feel an intense sickness in my stomach.
I had too much to drink.
Every instinct in my mind begs me to stay in bed, slip back into sleep and pray that this god awful hangover will pass, but the announcement played, and I feel like there's no other opinion.
Inch by inch, I move further out of my bed, and the moment I stand up, it feels as if I could just flop right back down. But I persist, showering and dressing as what would soon become usual.
I can't remember much of the night before, mostly just Jin and Kaso smacking their heads against the bar surface and pouring beer straight from the tap into their mouths.
Surely, I hadn't had too much. I've never been a heavy drinker, just the occasional wine or champagne. Perhaps my alcohol tolerance is staggeringly low.
I half expect to be greeted by Haruka first thing though, to my surprise, she's nowhere to be seen. Instead, Ayana walks down the corridor, her head buried in her handbook.
She looks up at me, an awkward expression flashing over her face briefly. She turns slightly away from me, raising an eyebrow, "What do you want?"
"Hi," I say with little energy, "What're you looking at?"
"Messages," She says curtly, before leaving for the kitchen.
Whipping out my handbook, I turn it on and read the messages from the night before.

'Jin: Gfod I fuckcinfg love you can we just hvae sex'

'Jin: fcuck wrong eprson'

'Haruka: Going to sleep for the night, let me know if you need anything! <3 ^_^'

'Mamoru: hi'

'Kuroko: How do I type?'

'Kuroko: Nevermind, worked it out! Thank you.'

Groaning, I put it away, and look up to try and console Ayana. Remembering her outburst last night, knowing the truth about her and Kaso's life, it can't have been particularly fun for her. But before I can shout her, she's gone.

I head down to the kitchen, any kind of proper greeting cut off by Kohi already standing in front of me with a tray of green tea.
"Good morning," He says shyly, "I made tea, it's supposed to be good for a hangover."
I take one off the tray, though my throat can't utter any words to thank him. I just let out a rather strange noise.
Haruka is perched on one of the tables, waving frantically to me.
"Hey, hey! How did you sleep? Last night was so fun!"
I nod slightly, sipping on my tea. It hydrates my throat a little, but I feel like my stomach will instantly project it out of me.
"Where is everyone?" Tory asks, "There aren't many people around today."
"It's literally, like, not even half past," Ayana frowns, "Probably just sleeping."
"You can see why it's a little worrisome, though," Mamo says quietly, sipping his tea.
"Most of them were drinking a lot last night," Haruka says, "Chances are they're waiting for the sickness to pass."
The churning in my stomach increases as she says that.
There's only six of us in the canteen - me, Tory, Ayana, Haruka, Kohi and Mamo. We continue to talk amongst ourselves as more people eventually enter the room. Some stagger in, practically still drunk. Others seem perfectly fine, while some look like they would have preferred to have stayed in bed.
But some are still missing and, as time goes on, my gut rings with nerves. Minato, Charlotte, Kuroko and Amai. All of them gone.
"Uh," Kohi says, raising his hand, and all eyes turn to him. He shuffles awkwardly, "Is french toast okay this morning? I'd rather just cook one kind of meal for all of us."
"Give us more fuckin' booze, ya little cumstain!" Kaso yells, swaying from side to side.
"Put hazelnut spread in it!" Haruka says. I can practically feel her mouth watering.
"I wish I never woke up," Mitsuharu sighs, burying his face in his palms.
"I-I'll take that as a yes," Kohi says, his eyes frantically moving around the room.
Watching Jin walking into the room is almost comedic. It's like his legs aren't working at all, as he stumbles into the room, a pained expression spreading across his face with every movement. Before coming to us, he hobbles over to Ayana, eventually limping over to our table.
As he sits down, he lets out a loud cry of pain.
"What the fuck did I do last night?" He groans, smacking his head on the table, shaking the plates and cups.
"Looks like you had a rough one," I say. Haruka snickers, but doesn't say anything.
Jin stares at her, completely dumbfounded as she continues to laugh.
"What are you laughing at?" He says, grinding his teeth, "I wasn't the only one who got drunk!"
"Not that," She says between laughs, "So, which guy was it? The guy that made you walk like that?"
The moment she finishes her sentence, she starts to laugh loud enough to attract attention from other tables. Jin groans even louder, continuously banging his head on the table.
Ignoring their antics, I stare at the other students. Daiki in particular catches my attention. His frail, skeletal hands quiver as he grasps the cup in his hand, sending little droplets of tea flying across the table. He must have forgotten to wear his contacts that day, his eyes now a hazel colour, shrouded by immense dark circles.
Lord knows how many drugs he's taken in the last few hours.
Wait, does he have drugs?
After a while, Kohi brings us out an immense plate of food. Two sizeable pieces of french toast, drizzled with some kind of sweet syrup, and topped off with blueberries and raspberries. It almost looks too pretty to eat, but if Kohi put in the effort, might as well indulge.
It's wonderful. The sweet taste of cinnamon and fruit dances across my tongue, I could almost eat it forever. Within minutes the plates are clean, and diligently taken away by Ayana.

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