Chapter Three - 1: Third Time's the Charm

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"Trouble's coming, but I still don't know when - that's the voice I can hear in my head."


My eyes open.
I feel the cold prickle of stone against my back, tickling every inch of my body awake. A smooth, yet menacing breeze clings to my pores, sending a ghostly chill through me. The sound of drifting leaves and the whistling of wind surrounds me, cocooning me in a sense of uncertainty.

This is all too familiar.

Realisation flowing through me, I bolt upright, opening my eyes in a flash. It's the same brick building shrouded in most. The same concrete plaza. The same clusters of trees.
My same old kindergarten.
I feel my heart racing.
Why am I back here? Again.

The feeling of nostalgia I had once had fades and only dread lingers in my heart. I rise to my feet, scanning my surroundings. There's nothing beyond the thick fog surrounding the school, perhaps only a void lying expectantly there. Ready to swallow me whole.

And then I hear it again. An ear-piercing scream. It rings through the playground like an alarm, drilling into my brain. Though it drags out for longer, even longer. Never once stopping. Just a continuous scream.

And then, so swift and agile. A shadow comes hurtling towards me. Black like ink, it barrels in my direction, growing closer and closer.
Closer. Closer

A cold chill passes through me as I jolt awake, the bitterness of reality flowing back to me. I force my eyelids open, adjusting to the sudden light of my room.
Another weird dream.
I try to let the weight of the world wash over me before I slowly creep out of bed. As my foot touches the varnished wood floor, I feel like I want to topple over purely from my own mass.

Another three students dead. And we're down to twelve.
Charlotte, Tory and Yashira all dwell in the back of my mind like looming phantoms as I throw some water on my face. Their faces, their whole existences taking up every square inch of my brain. All three merely ticking bombs on the brink of explosion.
Three of us dead in a matter of a few days.
I can't recall how long I've been standing in front of the en suite mirror for, blankly staring at my own reflection. Perhaps I ought to move, though my feet seem glued to the floor.
After god knows how long of staring, I slump my way out of the bathroom, dressing in my now clean clothes. I missed the soft, comforting feeling of my own shirt and skirt, the memory of that scratchy Lorem polyester slowly fading away.
But why can't they afford cotton?
Eventually, I plough my way through the halls, rubbing my tired eyes of any remaining sleep crusting my lashes. No Haruka, No Mitsuharu. Just empty, the only sound the whirring of the air con.
As I approach the dining hall, I glance back up at the wooden clock hanging just above the doorway. It seems neither of the hands has moved since yesterday. Nor since we got here.
They really aren't about maintenance here, huh?
Sighing, I turn the golden doorknob, gently pulling open the door to reveal the scene in front of me.

Chaos, mayhem, something I never could have expected even from a lot as wild as this. Voices spring across the hall, booming through the room like an overpowered speaker.
I creep into the room, hoping I'm not assaulted the minute I step inside, only to see Kaso grabbing Kohi by the scruff of his shirt. He holds him inches from his face, his stare icy and interrogative.
"Who the fuck do you think you are, shrimp ass?" Kaso hisses, clenching his teeth. His grip on the boy tightens, causing Kohi to whimper uncontrollably.
A few others are gathered around, either staring excitedly or wide-eyed with horror. Haruka spots me from across the room, her mouth filled with pastry and eyes filled with fear. Ayana is merely a metre away from the scene, cowering hopelessly beside one of the tables. A state I never expected such a stoic, sultry woman to be in.
Kohi squirms, "I-I'm sorry! I didn't want to upset you."
"Ya think you can walk around this dump tellin' me what to do?" Kaso almost growls, his silver tooth gleaming in the light, "I could crush every damn bone in your body."
I clench my fists, trying to garner the courage to speak, "H-hey, what the hell is going on in here? Can someone explain?"
Shiro sashays forward, shoving Kuroko out of the way - though she doesn't seem particularly fussed. He smirks at me, "Of course I can explain."
Flipping his long black hair behind him, he clears his throat, "We were all enjoying a lovely cooked breakfast from our dear Ayana," he turns to Ayana, completely oblivious to her terrified face, "Delectable, might I add. Anyway, Kaso found it necessary to call Ayana many horrible things and, naturally, Kohi was angry. You know how these things are, young love and such. And now we're here."
"I-I don't like her!" Kohi protests, still struggling under Kaso's grip, "N-not like that..."
"Well, look, I don't know what was said," I take a few strides towards them, "But you're being so rough! You could break him. There's no need to be violent, Kaso."
"You askin' for it too?" He glares at me, looming over me as he leans closer to my face. His hot breath tickles my skin, the scent of peppermint filling my nostrils.
"N-no!" I stammer, immediately stepping back, "C'mon, let him go. He's just trying to defend his friend. I don't know what went on with you and Ayana, but let's just put our differences aside."
"Put our differences aside?" A smooth voice sounds from the other side of the room. I whirl, and Ayana is stood to her full height again. Her skin is pale and flushed, yet so strangely cold.
"You don't know what this man has done," She scowls, slowly stepping towards me. Each click of her heeled boots quickens the pace of my pounding heart, "We can't just put our differences aside. You don't understand."
"Ayana," Haruka musters the courage to mumble, "Kihona didn't know, let's just forge-"
"No, no, Ayana," Kaso smirks, that same smirk I want to wipe off his smug little face, "Why don't you tell everyone? C'mon, what's the deal?"
She takes a deep inhale, biting her quivering lip. Her gaze diverts from Kaso, fixated on the floor, "N-no. I don't want to."
"Pussying out?" Kaso cocks his head, "Aw, what a damn shame. I guess I'm just a nice guy after all. You guys forgive me, right?"
Kuroko nods ever so slightly before Mamo placed a firm hand on her shoulder. I never even noticed he was here. Kinda creepy.
"Fine!" Ayana yells, her voice cracking, "You were a narcissist, bully, sex addict and complete egomaniac. You ruined my life. You ruined our child's life by leaving. That girl would be dying of scurvy if it weren't for me, while you got to make the memories. You bonded with her. I don't even know my own daughter, and it's your damn fault."
Complete silence, rich with shock and confusion. Her whole speech replays over and over in my mind like a broken record, every word deep with disgust. Anger. Heartbreak.
Kaso slowly claps, chuckles escalating into roars of hysterics. He drops Kohi, allowing him to drop to the floor. I'm surprised he hasn't broken a bone, though he doesn't seem particularly comfortable.
"Nice show, baby girl," Kaso grins, lip curling, "Can I have a go? You're a damn slut, you ate up my dick and you know it. Bet you're still in love with me. Don't blame ya, honestly."
"I'd never stoop so low," Her voice raises slightly, though she seems almost too intimated to raise it any more, "You're just a coward."
"What was that?" Kaso's growl escalated into a deep roar, his clenched teeth grinding in his mouth as he jolts closer to her. Ayana flinches, recoiling as she cowers away from him in pure terror. Her arms shroud her pale face, trying her best to scramble away from him.
"You wanna say that again?" He snarls, his eyes hungry and menacing. Ready to pounce for his prey, "Go on, say it louder, I'm listening."
"Th-this is getting out of hand!" Mamo cries, dashing towards Ayana. He sweeps her off the floor, dragging Kohi along with them as he pulls them out of the dining hall. Shiro springs to attention and trails them, not once turning back.
Trying my best to comprehend what just happened, I scan the room again. Only four of us left; Kaso, Haruka, Kuroko and me. I can't even look at Kaso, my heart thumping merely from his presence. His sharp jaw and equally as razor-edged as his eyes. That cold blue stare.
"What just happened?" Kuroko tilts her head, "I-is Kaso dangerous?"
"Clearly," I mutter, though I avoid making eye contact.

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