Chapter One - 3: Out on the Town

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Kaso stands up, "Nah. I have somethin' to add."
Lord knows what he could want. To cuss us out? Maybe announce he's placed a bomb on campus?
"Go on," Tory sighs, taking her seat at the table.
A smirk spreads across Kaso's lips, as he suddenly pushes himself onto the table, knocking over plates and cups as he does.
"Don't you guys think this place sucks?" He says, his voice comparable to a crappy stand up act, "Like, there ain't no shit to do round here."
Kuroko seems puzzled, "So, there ain't no shit to do? So there's not nothing to do, you mean there's loads to-"
"Shut up, whore." Kaso says, stomping on the table as it wobbles beneath him. "Anyways, was just thinkin' that there's a bar here."

Jin's eyebrow creeps up in interest, and I can't help but shake my head in dismay.
"How about we go out? A break night type thing," Kaso continues, a blue twinkle in his eyes, "Booze, sex, drugs if we have 'em."
"N-no," Mamo says almost suddenly, "No drugs. There's no drugs on campus. U-unless-"
"Whatever," Kaso shrugs, "Not the fuckin' point. Let's do it."
"100 per cent!" Yashira grins, standing up so enthusiastically her chair goes flying, "Count me in."
"Yes, I am all for this," Shiro nods, "A night fuelled by alcohol could be the perfect catalyst for some romance, hm?"
"Romance?" Charlotte smirks, "Ha. Like your thinking."

More answers are thrown at him, most ranging from agreement, to reluctantly obliging. I have to admit, Kaso's thinking isn't entirely irrational. Though possibly for the wrong reasons, a night together could help bond us. To become more of a team. To build trust.

"Then it's settled, 8:00 tonight," Kaso concludes, leaping off the table, "Don't think the goth or the slut are comin', but we'll make do without 'em."
"I'm the 'goth' you're referring to, hm?" Mitsuharu cocks his head, "I don't think you have any reason to call me a slut. Either way, I'm coming."
"Yeah," Ayana nods, "This slut is coming. Just like you do after two minutes."
"Make that 20 with a sour ass face like that," Kaso smirks, before turning to leave, "Be there or you're a pussy."
With that, he leaves, leaving the rest of us sitting bewildered. Despite us all being here, the room feels empty, like we're stranded on a desert island. Kaso's mere presence seems to take up the whole building, sucking every last drop of attention out of us like some morbid sponge.
"What was all that about, then?" Tory says, fiddling with her hair.
"God," Minato scoffs, "Normies will do anything to have so-called fun. I drink alcohol for the taste, not for the-"
"Jesus, just shut up," Daiki groans, "I think Kaso's idea is great."
"You think everything about him is great," Amai says, snorting as she laughs, "You're totally gay for him. Just confess."
Daiki's face flushes bright red, desperate to hide any trace of his embarrassment, "Wh-what the hell are you talking about? I'm not gay! You are."
"Oh my god," Amai practically keels over with laughter, holding onto Ayana's shoulder merely to keep her upright, "That's so funny. I mean, Kaso seems like a closet case, so you might as well serenade him with a homoerotic poem!"
"Closet case?" Kuroko seems suddenly intrigued, turning to Amai, "You mean Kaso likes cupboards? That's interesting."
"Look, I'm out," Daiki says, raising his hands slightly before stomping out of the room, heated and mortified.
"Nothing wrong with being gay, darling," Shiro smirks, twirling a strand of his hair around his finger.
As Amai starts to leave, Kuroko follows her, bouncing alongside her like a curious bunny. The sound of ridiculous questions about Kaso and cupboards, followed by Amai yelling cuss words, slowly fades away into the distance.
More people leave shortly after, exchanging their goodbyes.
"What's alcohol?" Aki says, staring at her snails as they shuffle around her palms, "I heard my mommy talking about it once. She said it made her angry."
It's not out of the ordinary for Aki to completely baffle me, but I can't help but feel sympathetic. I feel myself reaching out to comfort her, but she's vanished before I can say a word.

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