A/N: A UPG Update

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hello there.

i'd like to start off this post by apologising for being so negative recently. i understand it's not nice to see someone constantly complain and moan, and sadly this will only be continued in this update chapter.

if you haven't noticed recently, UPG has kind of gone back into standstill. this isn't the first time this has happened, however this time around has been much more severe and left me genuinely feeling sick and anxious thinking about writing this novel. it's been a multitude of reasons, from a lack of engagement with the story to my poor mental health, as well as self doubt and some other things i won't bring up.

with ideas for a new fangan on the horizon, i'm more desperate than ever to get this fic done. especially with it being out and unfinished for so long (happy late 2nd birthday to UPG...hahaha). however, with writing being such a downer to me, and also feeling like the work i put in isn't reaching out to as many people as it used to, i will not be able to finish UPG in the traditional manner.

after many discussions with friends and the lovely people in my discord server, i have come to the conclusion that Danganronpa: Until Proven Guilty will most likely be finished in note form

i will spend the next few weeks putting together a series of bullet points that will thoroughly and formally explain every individual plot point from where we are now. all of the motive, all of case 5, all of chapter 6, and especially the mastermind plot. that is the big reveal, of course. no stone will be left unturned with these notes, and you will get the full plot. no exceptions. however, there will be no prose, description or attempt at making a pretty narrative. it will purely be summarising plot events.

i apologise greatly to those who were keen to see UPG through to the end with my writing style (i hope that's at least some of you, most people don't seem to like words nowadays /lh). i understand that this might not be the satisfactory ending you were hoping for, but i really don't think it will be beneficial for anyone for me to continue as normal. for all i know i could have been in my 3rd year uni flat hunched over my laptop trying to write the closing argument for the mastermind case while sobbing and chugging coffee. parts would come out slowly, and they would make me upset to write and also wouldn't be my greatest standard.

also, if you've read my extras book then you'll know i think this story has a fuck ton of flaws. like...filled to the brim. and i don't even address them all in that chapter. i became extremely hyper aware of them recently purely because i was paranoid. i will be making a new fangan which i believe amends these flaws. this may also end up being written if i can't get a fangame to work lol.

now there is a slim possibility that i will write up these notes and decide i'm okay with writing UPG in full again. this is only slim, and i don't want to get anyone's hopes up, but the possibility is there. of course, i will let you know. for now, expect the short summaries.

i hope this is enough context and clarity for those awaiting the next update

if you have any further questions feel free to comment or message me on any social media

thank you for reading, and i hope to see you all soon :)

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