Prologue - 4: Black, White, and Red.

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What appears before me leaves my brain bewildered as I try to comprehend the sight. A half-black, half-white bear, stands on one of the common room chairs. He doesn't look much taller than 4ft, but his presence looms over the room, a red twinkle from a robotic eye piercing my chest and burrowing deep in my very being.
A murmur rises around the room.
"What the hell is that?" Yashira spits, stepping towards the bear.
"It looks like a mascot of some sort..." Kohi's small voice pipes up, barely audible over the others.
"I'm not a bloody mascot!" It says suddenly with a shrill voice as more confusion ensues, "I'm the University Principal."
"What the fuck?" Kaso says, his voice faltering, "You're a fuckin' teddy."
The bear spins gracefully towards him, leaning inches away from his face. Its sharp teeth gleam in the light, "I'm not a freakin' teddy either. Gosh, the youth these days."
"Then what are you?" Charlotte says, hand on hip.

It climbs up onto one of the desks, knocking over the computers to make room, "Ahem. Allow me to introduce myself! I am a single male looking for hot MILFs in my area. I also happen to be the principal of Lorem University, Monokuma."
The name makes no sense, just like his words.
Ayana raises an eyebrow, "How are you a man if you don't have a-"
"Enough of that promiscuity, young lady!" Monokuma roars, causing Mamo to jump in fright, "I'll 'ave your head off if ya keep talkin'."
Mitsuharu steps towards the front of the group, looking up at the bear as his eyes narrow, "If you're quite done dancing around the topic, how about you tell us what we're doing here?"

Monokuma grins, taking a bow, "Of course, dah-ling. I'm sure you're all aware you're supposed to be attending this elite institution as Future Ultimates."
We all nod, and the bear continues.
"Well, as lovely as it would be to that whole thing, I've decided to mix things up a little this year."

"Tell us." Minato says, gritting his teeth, infuriated, "I want my dorm key, and I'm hungry."
Tory nods, "Yes, and I'm curious about the electrified fence that's blocking our exit."
"And what the hell is all this security stuff?" Daiki yells, "It's giving me the creeps."
Questions are thrown at the bear, all of varying levels of harshness. I keep quiet, fixated on the floor, as Haruka and Jin try to talk amongst themselves.

"Shut the fuck up, ya little asswipes!" Monokuma finally screams, silencing the whole room in an instant.
"Your questions will all be answered in I've decided to do a 'lil TLC to this craptastic campus, so now there're only a few buildings that we need. Doesn't that just make things so much more efficient?"
"It makes things so much more unpleasant," Shiro sighs, almost saddened by the fact.

"I feel like now's the time to do the grand reveal," Monokuma smirks, flashing a toothy grin, "That electric fence has a very, very special purpose. Drum roll please..."
Silence falls over the room, apart from Aki who starts to pat her knees.
"Well, suit yerselves, kids. You can't leave. Ever!"
Chaos erupts around the room. Panicked conversations between friends, some who don't believe a word, and others who are still just as bewildered as before.
"You can't be serious!" Jin says, biting his nails vigorously.
"I'm bloody well serious, fella." The bear says, "Sorry, I don't make the rules. Except, I do...this is gonna bother me."
"But what about our families? Our friends?" Haruka cries, "They'll come searching for us, they'll be worried sick."
"Do ya really think so?" Monokuma cocks his head, "Aw, that's so damn sweet. I suppose I can let ya out on one condition."
"Then tell us," Mamo says, trying to maintain his cool composure.

"Murder! Good, old fashioned, bloody murder."

The room erupts into chaos. No words are discernible from the heap of sounds coming from 16 mouths at once. Nerves burn in my gut. There's no way he's being serious.
"Demon. Demon." Aki wails, shaking her head. "Get out. You're making my brain funny."
"" Kuroko says, her voice trailing off. I wouldn't be surprised to see her throw up, but I can't blame her.

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