Prologue - 5: Searching for Justice

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Morning creeps into my dorm room, sunlight just appearing over the horizon. The light manages to sneak in through a crack in the curtains, and I slowly open my eyes.
Somehow, my sheets have made their way to the floor and one of my pillows is half way across the room. Touching the back of my head, all I feel is sweat.
The loudspeaker screeches, and Monokuma's voice begins to chime throughout the building, "Bing-bong, motherfuckers! Rise and shine, time to get up and face the bloody day! 'Ave fun!"
So that's the morning announcement. With a dissatisfied groan, I roll out of bed and head for the shower.
The water runs cold and, no matter how long I wait, warmth never touches my skin. I sigh and stand under the spray, flinching every time the iciness hits me. Such a lack of comfort feels so distant from home. For once, I crave the sound of my dogs barking, or Eiji knocking violently on the door. But there's nothing. Not even the trickling of water can put me at ease.
I put the bottles of lotion back on the rack and turn the shower off, tip-toeing to grab a towel and get dressed.
My clothes from yesterday are strewn across the desk chair, with no traces of body odour on them, so I slip them on. Anything to avoid wearing the clothes provided. They didn't seem like bad quality. Just not right.
Glancing at the time, I realise Tory is probably waiting, so I brush through my hair and tie it up as usual, leaving for the canteen.

"Hey, Kiki!" I don't even have to look to know who it is.
"Good morning, Haruka," I nod, but I can't seem to crack a smile. She grins, eyes twinkling. Somehow, she's found the time to do her signature space buns and looks as perky as ever.
"How'dya sleep? My room is super comfy. Like sleeping on a marshmallow." Haruka grins.
I laugh slightly, but decide it's best to zone out from her conversation.
"It's weird, though," She sighs, rubbing her arm, "Everything seems so nice...until you realise," Her eyes meet mine, "You don't really think someone will kill, right?"
"No," I say, but I know I'm lying, "We can get out together, that's why Tory organised a search."
Though the threat of murder seems like a constant looming presence. Kaso's words from yesterday play over in my head thousands of times, he could kill someone without hesitation. And then there's Yashira, who would probably get a rush from shooting someone in the chest. And Aki. Lord knows what to do with that girl.
I shake my head, as if to scare away the intrusive thoughts, "Well. We're going to try our best to stick together."
Haruka smiles, balling her hands into fists, "We can do this, team!"
The rest of the walk to the canteen is silent, but we arrive within a short amount of time. A surprising number of people have shown up.
"Ah, good morning Kihona, Haruka," Tory appears in front of us. She holds a cup of coffee in her hands, "I'm glad you decided to show up. So far we're waiting on a few others."
"Who?" I ask, curious.
Tory takes a moment to scan the room before answering, "Looks like Kaso and Jin have yet to attend. I'm worried as to whether Kaso will even bother at all."
I sigh, and we stay silent for a while.
Kohi approaches, slightly shy. He holds a small notepad and pen, "Uh, hey. I'm taking breakfast orders if you want any?"
Tory chuckles softly, "You really are taking this rather seriously."
He flushes bright red.
"Some tea and a bowl of fruit will do me fine," I groan. Today is already a drag.
"Ooh!" Haruka's eyes light up, "Could I have pancakes? With blueberries? Yeah, and a cup of tea. And would it kill you to heat up some syrup?"
Kohi's eyes dart back and forth, scrawling everything down as quickly as he can, before scurrying into the kitchen.
We take a table close to the middle of the canteen, eating our chosen food. Jin eventually stumbles in, fumbling with his belt and pulling up his fly, "Shit. Sorry I'm late. Was, uh, showering."
"Likely story," Amai turns up her nose, "You stink like a dog's asshole."
"What does that smell like?" Kuroko asks through a mouthful of bread roll, "I've never been close enough."
"Were you having sex with Kaso?" Daiki snickers, "You're pulling your pants up."
"Hell no, dude!" Jin almost shrieks, "That's gay."
Shiro sighs happily, "Star crossed lovers! Like Romeo and Juliet."
"Just because they both weren't around doesn't mean they're having sex, dick!" Minato grits his teeth, spitting out bits of pastry everywhere.
Ayana smirks, "Guys, he was obviously masturba-"
"Enough with that!" Jin yells, plonking himself next to Haruka, "It's none of your business what I do to myself."
"Yep," Yashira says, not turning away from her meal, "Defo masturbating."
Charlotte giggles, but doesn't say anything.

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