Over Powered OCs and Mary Sues.

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Originally published: November 2014

Ocs, ocs, ocs. Okay, don't get me wrong. I LOVE ORIGINAL CHARACTERS! They're super interesting, and I love when they're unique and not cliche. But when they're super powerful girls that become friends with the Seven and date either a. Leo b. Nico or c. Percy, it's annoying. I mean, I get it. Everyday, in my head, I imagine living with Luke Castellan in an apartment in France with 3 kids and a dog named Cassy. I know what fictional crushes feel like! But there's a big following between Caleo and Percabeth for a reason- they're cute (in some people's opinion) and canon and well developed (well, at least Percabeth is...) I get it when stories are written before House of Hades, when both love relevations were exposed with Nico and Leo. But unless you wrote the story before you read Battle of the Labyrinth, you should know that Percy and Annabeth are together. And as I've said before, they would never leave each other so easily! You people need to stop doing this to the ocs, or else they're going to become a Mary Sue. And nobody likes a Mary Sue (or a Gary Stu, for that matter). An example of what I'm talking about is: Hey, I'm Destiny Moonchild Luna Star Butterfly Gold Smith Krystal JR., daughter of Hades! I can raise the dead and talk to ghosts, and I'm also blessed by Poseidon so I can breath underwater. I'm dating Percy Jackson, son of Poseidon!!! He left stupid Annabeth for me, so she hates me now. But why would I care. And despite ruining her best friend's relationship, I'm great friends with Piper too! I'm friends with all of the seven. Speaking of which, I'm actually the last demigod of the seven. Annabeth isn't one of them because she sucks. I have dark brown hair, shocking blue eyes, tan skin, and curves, but I'm really ugly. It doesn't matter though, because I'm one of the most powerful demigods! And I'm prettier than Annabeth. See what I mean?

And gods guys, what's up with the long names?

And gods guys, what's up with the long names?

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