"Night Theseus."

875 46 8

<>Sorry this took to long!!!<>

×0×0×0× ghostinnit pov ×0×0×0×

I had another vision... I hated it, there was so much gore... omg...
I sat in the corner of my room as I wait for techno comes home.

Tears were in my eyes and my hands covered my ears. It wasnt a dream like phil said it was, it was a vision or memory but I hate it.

I hear a door open and I curl tighter into a ball.


It was techno, he was yelling for me but I couldn't answer.

"There you are.."

He lets out a sigh and I slowly look up at him. Tears were pouring down my face.

"Theseus... are you okay?"

He asks coming towards me. I shake my head.

"Bad dream?"

I shake my head.

"Vision? Memory?"

I nod.

He sits in front of me. His cape puddled on the ground behind him. It looked like a waterfall.

"Wanna talk about it?"

He asks and I shake my head no.

He sighs and nods and opens his arms.


He asks, his voice sounded kinda off.

I nod and sniffle, I crawl into him arms and just hug him.

"Your fine theseus, im right here."
(Not a ship.)

<>techno pov<>

I say quietly, phil use to do this to comfort me, I dont think me doing it works the same tho.

His breathing starts to calm. I just sit there.

"Techno... where were you these past 2 weeks..."

Tommy asks me scooting away wiping his nose with the back of his hand.

I freeze and look at him.

"I was getting stuff, my armor was getting weak, and my weapons were getting broken. So I went out for a few weeks to get new stuff!"

Tommy nods.

"Can I see them?"

I shrug and place then in front of me, the enchantments made its glow pretty colors of blue and purple.


Tommy says a huge smile on his face.

"I remember when I use to fight with one of these! We would put fireworks in them!"

He said pointing to the cross bow. I smile sadly.

"Yep we did! We used all these weapons in the wars!"

Tommy smiles like crazy.

"We won't the war right!?"

He asks looking at me, stars in his eyes.

"Most of then yes!"

He smiles and nods.

"I remember this one fight... it was me and dream... we both had a bow... and we stood in front of eachother... then he shot me."

I nod.

"I also remember this one thing. It's something alive ghostbur told me.... I remember, we were in the forest or near one and he told me, "Tommy let's be the bad guys." It gives me a bad feeling fear almost. I hate it."

I look at him, his black and white eyes started back.

"Tommy you have to understand during that time alive ghostbur started going... insane..."

Tommy frowned.

"I know."

I stand up and brush off my black dress pants.

"Well tommy... I have important things I have to do tomorrow... so goodnight Tommy. And promise me you will stay here tomorrow."

Tommy looks at me weird.

"Okay I promise...?"

"Night Theseus."

im sorry- a ghostinnit Story (On A Break For Now)Where stories live. Discover now