chapter thirteen: no rainbows

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EVEN THOUGH WE'LL NEVER GET TO HEAVEN, you showed me how heavenly someone like you can be.

"I'll be back home," I smiled at you, guns strapped to my waist and thighs as I wore my typical three piece suit, one that matched the color of my hair. "I'll leave the files to you, learn how to defuse bombs and I'll test you tomorrow, 'kay?"

Humming, you nodded, "mhm 'kay, I'll bring out the first aid kit in case you come home injured," you replied, smiling at me before pulling at my sleeve to press your lips onto mine. What a curse to leave with, you'll have invisible marks on my lips on you so wherever you go, you'll be reminded of me – that's the curse. 

"Come home, okay?"

"I will, bye bye," I had the same sick smile from when I first met you. Walking out of the apartment, for a few seconds, I pulled out my phone to check some unread messages about today's attack.

I'll come home to you but right now, your Sanzu Haruchiyo is Bonten's number two, the executive focused on the criminal organization.

Those were just a few seconds I spent before driving to where the attack is going to happen. All three executives, including me, were standing on a rooftop of a nearby building, the empty mansion, it looked dead and empty, crows on its roof and dead leaves left in the backyard. "Koko and Kakucho?" I asked, loading guns and setting up some bombs for later.

"North, they're already set up," Ran replied, our attention being caught by a pickup truck that entered the mansion, its windows tinted black. "Ready, brother?"

Rindou set up his rifle, a Barrett M82, "I am, get in position, brother." 

The Haitani's worked in their own ways, knowing how to match up with one another when it came to teamwork. "Sanzu," Ran called out. I loaded an A‑M20, with two more handguns strapped on me and five bombs on my back, ready to be planted, "let's go."

As I loaded my guns, my eyes wandered onto the mark on my ring finger, a cigarette burn from the night before. "Ready, everyone get into position," I ordered, sending the signals for us to scatter and go for our goals.

Getting to the mansion's fences, its garage door was open, it was huge and empty, crates stacked upon one another. 

And there it was – the bang, indicating war upon Black Molasses and Bonten. It was the first shot of the day, done by Rindou Haitani. Men of Black Molasses started showing up, most of them with knives only, pathetic. "Ran, go shoot them down," I ordered, looking for three people from the gang.

Three traitors from Bonten have made their way into this gang, going against both Bonten and the police. "Your position?" Rindou asked through the earpiece, asking for everyone's whereabouts, I was close to the mansion's two doors, hearing everyone reply to Rindou's questions.

"I'm defusing bombs in the backyard," Ran replied, with us hearing the ticking of the explosive.

A door opened, "just entered the basement," Kokonoi replied, "Kakucho's right behind me."

Everything was going to plan, it was all amazing. The feeling of pointing my gun at a traitor who gave off Bonten's information for a position in a pathetic gang, "last words?" I asked.

"Boss…" they smiled at me, "it's nice to meet you again."

"Likewise," I pulled the tripper, hearing the thud as their body dropped to the floor. He was the man under Ran's team, someone I placed there for their love of bombs. He was amazing at his job, one that I praised more than the others. A fucking traitor. "You had so much potential in Bonten," I turned around, my back facing their dead body, "now to search that stupid garage."

I heard it, all of it, the sound of rifles being pointed at me. There were at least five of them. Two from the back of the garage and three behind me.

Then I saw it. "Boss?" Rindou called for me.

Five fucking snipers and a lover of mine. "Not a traitor," you weakly spoke, "just-- ended up here," your hands were tied in front of you, a black vest on your chest as your face was bloody. 

"How the fuck?"

I was blinded by how beaten up you looked, ignoring the steps that were walking towards me, "we took her," that voice-- what a funny situation we're in. "Hey boss," what a traitor, "we followed you, saw the apartment you came out of, took the woman."


Traitors have no place in Bonten. "Rindou, kill them, all of them," I whispered, "Ran, get your ass here," and it started, we fell out of plan as I started pulling on the trigger with my mind still hazy. Red always looked good on you, never did I think I'd hate that color – but the way red was all over you right now made me hate it. 

You stood close to the back of the garage, now everyone's in here. Making me focus on you while fighting, a knife came at me, I raised my left arm to block the attack, only to receive a huge gash on my arm, my skin was torn and blood was dripping onto my suit. "(Name)," I mumbled before pulling the trigger at the enemy and shooting them dead.

Screams of the dead could be heard, gunshots and cries. I ran towards you, grabbing your tied hands and starting to claw at them, "we'll get home, 'kay?" I was panicking, for once I felt something-- I was scared.

We'll get home, I'll bring you home. I scrunched my brows at the vest you wore, "(Name), is that a fucking bomb?"

What are the chances? The time I made you study bombs is when you're strapped to one, helpless with dead eyes as you faintly smile at me. Bruises covered your face but you're still beautiful.

I should've kept you a secret, hidden from my enemies yet I let you get exposed and into fights – and I'm the one to blame. Everything made me nervous, right now, I couldn't focus on anything. 

"Haruchiyo," you panicked, "behind you!"

I turned, right on time to pull the trigger-- how'd they get that close to me?

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