Synopsis and dedication

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Thank you so much to pezzbosch , without you this whole project would've never been made because I procrastinate too much. Thanks for being my platonic soulmate for my chaotic mind :)

On with the synopsis!!

Part of the Lightspeed Rescue Saga 

Nova Phillips never expected to be a hero. Her work was her life and she was happy being behind the scenes working towards a greater good. She also never expected a lover that she thought had died in childhood to come back, or how much trouble it would cause her and her best friend.

Nova's in the final phase of her time at Lightspeed, whether she wants to admit it or not.



Power Rangers are characters created and owned by Saban and Hasbro, and I do not claim any ownership over them or the world of PR. The story and situation I am creating are a work of imagination and I do not ascribe them to official story canon. This story is for entertainment only and is not part of the official story line. I am not profiting off the creation or publication of Final Phase.

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