(23) The Tomb

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If there was one thing you never got in between Skye and I doing, it was our job. Our job was the thing that had kept us alive and together for most of our lives. As we marched over to begin scanning the area for both the Rangers and our boyfriends, no one questioned us. The Queen's Skull Cavern was an untraceable location that had been kept off our radar for years. But unfortunately for the demons they never considered what would happen when a Ranger got inside the cavern themselves.

"I got it!"

Skye rushed to my side to watch over my shoulder as I activated the cameras on Carter's armoured vehicle, "I got it! We've got footage inside the Skull Cavern."

"It's not safe for you two to be here!" Miss Fairweather and my father followed us in.

"We need to evacuate the area immediately!" Captain Mitchell said, trying to pull his daughter away from the scanners.

She shoved his hands off in a fit of anger. Anger that had been waiting to be let out since he told us he sent the boys off without telling us. He lied to us.

"Running scans now," Miss Fairweather said, "Captain Mitchell, it's no use trying to make them evacuate. Can't you see how distraught they are?"

Captain Mitchell stared at me, a silent order to stand up and take Skye with me to the evacuation zone. I stared back, a challenge of him to try and make me.

"I've got a read on Ryan!" Miss Fairweather announced and projected it onto our screen.

I sighed in relief as the cameras panned, watching as Ryan slowly navigated through the skull cavern with swift movements and quiet agility.

"You girls don't need to be watching this." the Captain tried to grab Skye again.

"And you don't need to be telling us what to do right now!" I shouted, standing up, "You of all people are the last person who should be talking to us."

"I couldn't tell you girls because then you wouldn't have had a clear head on your shoulders to help evacuate the base," he said.

"You kept this from us! We might never see them again, do you understand that? You let your son run right into a trap that's going to really kill him this time! You let my boyfriend go after him! Everyone I love is going to die because you let them go!" Skye yelled, I placed a hand on her shoulder to silently tell her to calm down.

"If they die, it's on your hands Captain," I added slowly, "How could you do that to us?"


I turned back to the scanner trying my best to hide tears.

"You guys need to see this..." Miss Fairweather clicked some buttons, showing us images of the rangers fighting against batlings. Everything was so chaotic it was almost hard to see the bright red suit. For just a moment, my mind went back to my own father. The moment of fear that crossed my mind when he fell to the ground in that exact suit, dead. He wouldn't. No he couldn't. I knew Carter would fight like hell to get back.

Queen Bansheera started chanting something - we could barely hear the commotion through our speakers. I grabbed Skye's arm as she almost fell to the ground, Carter jumped with weapons drawn.  A burst of flames shot out of the tomb as she conjured it open, beginning to release all the demons that had been trapped down there for years.

Ryan. Oh god where was Ryan?

Queen Bansheera knocked Carter back as he dove for her, sending him flying into a post. His visor shattered as his helmet was knocked off, leaving him vulnerable.

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