(18) The Ball

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I never trusted anyone but Skye to do my makeup. In fact, the thought of anyone else applying stuff to my face made me very uncomfortable and I'd probably punch anyone that tried. Skye had me holding perfectly still as she applied the light pink blush to my cheeks, and a clear lip gloss to my lips. The only time you will ever see me touch something pink. I had to admit though, it made my eyes pop.

"Does this look okay?" Skye said, turning me towards the mirror to ask that question for the millionth time today.

"You always do such a great job, now stop worrying about all of us and make yourself look stunning for Carter! I'm definitely thinking about this color on your lips." I turned to grab the lipstick off her dresser, a beautiful nude color that would set perfectly with the dark reds and golds Skye had chosen.

"How did you get so good at make up?" Dana asked, fluffing her hair in the mirror after finishing my hair by pulling the front pieces back and pinning them. Dana had put in hot curlers that were so tight it felt like my scalp was about to fall off, but now the dark curls hung down my shoulders and the front pieces were braided and pulled back to frame my face.

"I'm far from good," Skye laughed, "I just have a lot of practice I guess. Are you sure that's all you want done Kelsey?"

"Yes, the eyeshadow and highlighter are plenty for me!" she smiled, watching the rest of us get ready.

"There's nothing to be nervous about, you know." Dana watched Skye carefully.

"I'm not nervous." Skye lied.

"Please," I rolled my eyes as I hiked my gown up to tuck a blaster into the garter hidden under the skirt, "You literally can never sit still when you're nervous which is why you volunteered to do everyone's makeup. We're all dressed and ready to go but you still need to finish your make up and get in your dress."

"Are you psycho?" Skye asked, looking at the blaster warrily.

"What? The safety's on." I shrugged, "Come on, do your make up already."

"Okay, okay." Skye said, turning to the mirror to finish applying the first color of eyeshadow to her lids. Dana had done Skye's hair in a partial braid with beautiful curls on the loose strands of hair. The two pieces that framed her face set the whole look. I turned to help Dana zip up her dress as Skye pulled on the necklace and earrings to finish her look.

I finished tying Skye's dress up tightly and handed her shoes. The excitement in the room felt electrifying. If Kelsey had any more caffeine she would be bouncing off the walls.

I bit my lip nervously before remembering the lip gloss that had just been applied minutes prior, this is why makeup was not my thing.


The ride to the banquet hall was fun, everyone singing along to songs. I had to make Skye sing dramatically with me but I knew she secretly enjoyed it. When we arrived at the center the ball was being hosted at, we all stood nervously outside the doors as we waited to be announced. We knew the boys would be inside ready to escort us as we entered and for the first time in my life I was ready for people to stare as I entered.

"Dana Mitchell, Lightspeed ranger number 5, pink."

Everyone clapped as Dana entered, her head high and her smile wide as her pink dress flowed around her. It really suited her.

"Kelsey Winslow, Lightspeed ranger number 4, yellow."

Kelsey strutted in, the yellow pantsuit stole the show and I think I even heard Joel wolf whistle some.

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