I made it and you will too

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I heard a knock on the bathroom door.
"KYLIE ARE YOU OKAY!!!???" It was my dad. My head was spinning. I hated that feeling. Maybe... It would be a good time to end all this. I wouldn't have to see Jamie anymore. She won't bother me anymore. I will finally be happy. I looked at the blade and thought about slitting my throat. It want take long. Just one quick second and it will all be over. I held the blade to my throat. I thought this was the end... That's when the door busted open.

"KYLIE!!!" My dad yelled.
"NOO STOP!!!" I yelled as he knocked the bloody blade out of my hand. I tried to bend down to get it but he held me back.

"NO DAD PLEASE!!!" I yelled. I started to sob loudly.

"I DO UNDERSTAND BECAUSE I DID THIS TO MYSELF." He rolled up his sleeve to reveal what seemed like millions of scars. And I froze.

"Wh-why." I said.
"Because... I thought I was worthless. But I found out I wasn't. Please don't go. Your mom and I love you so much. And so does Mikey, and Frank, and Ray. Even Bandit would miss you if that happened. Kylie. I made it and you will too."
I snuggled into his chest.
"I'm sorry dad." I said. He stroked my hair.
"It's okay sweety." Dad carried me into my room. He tucked me in. He held my hand and started to sing "the light behind your eyes" I fell asleep while he was singing. I now know that I am no longer worthless. I can be like my dad someday. And save life's. Just like dad did me.

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