Kylie Way

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The one cut I made, 20 years ago. That was the last cut I ever made. I am 33 years old now. I have token after father as the lead singer in a new band "Bladerz" I have been told that inspire and save lives like my father did. I am Chandler Rigg's fiancé. Jamie never ended up posting that video online. But she got involved with drugs and ended up commuting suicide. Even thought we never got along that much, I felt bad. She was so young and probably could have done something. My sister Bandit is 23 years old and has token up after her mother and is a bass player. Me and her are best friends. I am honestly so proud of her. One morning the door bell rings. It's Mikey. He smiled at me.

"Ready to go?" He asks. I smile back.
"Yes." I hop in the passenger seat of his car and we drive to the cemetery. I grab the red roses from the back of the car and him and I walk up to a double grave. I read the words in my head.

"In memory of Gerard and Lindsey way. So long and good night mom and dad." I smiled and felt a tear go downy face. I missed them both so much. I read some of the letters and looked at some of the art work from fans and smiled. I layed the roses down onto the grave.

"I love you mom and dad." I knew they were in a safe place. It's hard to see the people that helped you so much leave, but I know that they are proud of me for over coming everything. And now I am on top of the world.

I am Kylie Way. I made it. And you will too.

Adopted by Gerard WayDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora