Plane flights to New Jersey

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(Lyn-z's p.o.v.)
I walked out to see Gerard on his laptop. I sat down next to him.

"Watcha doin?" I asked putting my head on his shoulder.

"Just booked a flight to New Jersey." He looked at me and smiled. I grinned widely remembering. I was so exited.

The next day we headed out to the airport. I lot of fans recognized us and we took pictures with them and stuff. But we finally made it onto the plane and flew off the New Jersey.

After a long ride we made it. We got a hotel to stay that night after we visit the orphanage. When we got there, a lady was at the desk and she smiled at us.

"Can I help you?" She asked.
"We are hoping to adopt a child." Said Gerard. She lead us to a room and we sat down. She interviewed us. Her last question was

"What kind of a child are you looking for?"

"It doesn't matted if it is a boy or girl. We Perfer are 13. And one who like rock music and likes bands and can play guitar."

"We have just the kid! Please wait." She walked to the door but before she opened it she mumbled what sounded like "finally." I glared at her but she didn't see. A few minutes late she walked in with a few papers. She handed us a paper. There was a picture of a beautiful girl. My heart melted. I read her name. Kylie Little. Her back story broke my heart. I wanted to see her for myself.

"Could we see her?" I asked.
"Of course." The lady said and got up.

Adopted by Gerard WayTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang