|| Cʜʀɪsᴛɪᴀɴ:: chapter one||

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Dear Keegan,

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Dear Keegan,

I remember when we first met, we were in school, and you got transferred into my math class after the second day. You were one grade above all of the other kids in the class. Everyone ignored you, including me. I didn't even notice you until you tapped on my shoulder asking if you could sit next to me.

You scared me, now I already had weak heart. Hereditary I guess, so when you startled me so suddenly my heart rate sped up, almost to the unhealthy point, I started panicking I couldn't stop myself. I started screaming, you started screaming, and everyone looked at us like we were insane. But in ways, I guess we were.

After we calmed down, you started laughing. I looked at you funny, everyone did. Now it all makes sense.

Later that day during lunch, you approached me carrying a cupcake. You said you were sorry, and to take the cupcake as a peace offering. I took it. You asked if you could sit down, I remember turning to look at my friends, for reasurance only to see them excitedly look at us chatting.

After sitting down, we talked, nearly for the whole lunch, when it ended you asked me if you could join me for lunch again. I happily nodded my head and said "anytime".

draft saved 9/17/2012

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