|| Cʜʀɪsᴛɪᴀɴ:: chapter nine||

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Dear Keegan,

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Dear Keegan,

Why did you do this to me?

I saw you today at your party. I got your invitation. My mother got your invitation. My father got your invitation. My father thought it would be good to take my mom and I out of the house and catch up with old friends. 

what he didn't realize was that I had no friends.

As soon as we walked in there I immediately wanted to leave. You were there with Sarah- and Josh, and Jessica, and Spencer, and Aiden, and Courtney. All my old friends. All our old friends. As I looked in your direction you and everybody else looked away with a silence resonating over all our heads. As I uncomfortably walked into your kitchen I ran into your mom- she was with my mother. They were talking, is that what they even call it these days? Talking? More like catching up over their children. 

Some how, your mother had gotten my mother to eat more, talk more, and generally do more in one hour than she had done since she had gone home. My dad was positively beaming- smiling and laughing almost as if everything was back to normal. 

At the end of the night, as we were the last couple of people to leave, my parents hugged your mother- saying their farewells I caught you awkwardly looking at me. Your eyes looked as enchanting as always- but as quick as it happened, it ended.

draft saved 11/22/16

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