|| Kᴇᴇɢᴀɴ:: chapter two ||

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Dear Christian,

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Dear Christian,

I saw you today. You were laughing and smiling with John. What happened to you? You've changed so much. You used to be so innocent, trusting everyone. So naive, it was really cute. But now, you don't trust anyone. You live in your own world.

Today I met this girl her name was Sarah. She kind of reminded me of you, or at least what you used to be like. She was quiet, a real beauty, she was also pretty clumsy but nearly as clumsy as you are. Were. She was funny, not nearly as funny as you, but she made me laugh.

When I was with her, I felt like I was with you again, and what happened to us never actually... happened. And I know it's not fair... on my part to be using her like this, as a coping method, as a replacement, but today I really felt something for her.

My mother asked about you today. She asked how your mom was doing, I didn't know how to respond. It made me realize that we haven't exactly communicated since we broke up. How is your mom? More importantly how are you doing?

Last night, I was getting ready to go to bed when I saw a picture of us. It was taken the on Memorial Day, at my family's annual picnic. We were both smiling, You were dressed up in that pretty, yellow sundress I love so much, and you had your arms around my neck as I carried you bridal style. It made me wonder, what if we never broke up? What if we actually managed to work out problems? Would we still be together? 

draft saved 9/19/2012

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