|| Kᴇᴇɢᴀɴ:: chapter ten||

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Dear Christian,

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Dear Christian,

I was at the cinema with Sarah today. We went to see a horror movie- I was scared beyond belief. I remember how you knew I hated horror. Whenever we went, we went to watch comedies and action. I don't know why I didn't tell Sarah, I wanted to, I just was scared. Scared she would judge me, think less of me. I sometimes found myself wondering why I cant seem to open up to her, talk to her the same way we could. I used to tell you everything- maybe that's why I'm writing this. I know I've moved on, I just cant seem to forget us, and maybe sometimes I'm happy I cant.

As I we went home, I took her to Ronnie's. We shared a bowl of stringy linguini and a pineapple, chicken, and olive pizza.  I ate 2 slices she ate 4 and most the pasta. I used to find it adorable when you ate a lot. As she ate I thought she was a glutton- eating while staring at me. You used to eat a bite and then send me a sheepish smile and continue eating. At the end when the check was brought to us I was going to pay but when she looked at me sternly and said "aren't you going to go and give them your card? I have to be home in like 20 minutes." I was shocked. I guess it was that I kept trying to find ways to relate her to you I almost didn't notice all her other qualities. I ended up telling her I forgot my wallet at the theater and I had to go and try and find it- I never felt so good about ditching someone.

I never had to feel this way with you

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