Robin in Genshin

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Let's go! Let's do Robin in Genshin next! Ayy!

Rarity - 5 star
Adventurer's Guild
Home Region:

Purple cropped hoodie over and sleeveless black turtleneck with purple pants. Also wear a black thigh holster bag.

Bennett - they are in the Adventurer's Guild together since he hangs with Alex, she's hangs with him.

Fischl - doesn't understand her doesn't try to but Robin likes Oz so she sticks around

Amber - doesn't like her very much, but Alex likes so Robin tolerates Amber

Kaeya - tool, hates being flirted with. Has beaten Kaeya's ass once or twice

Jean - respects her very much

Razor - finds him weird but enjoys his company

Diluc - somewhat friends, have the same personality so two peas in a pods

Barbara - annoys her, too much of a rule follower for her liking.

Albedo - they don't interact all that much but to Robin, he's a very interesting person

Klee - Klee likes Robin but Robin doesn't like Klee. That doesn't stop Klee

Diona - so energy they give off is weird and they're oddly close

Venti - Robin hates Venti when he's drunk but any other time she surprisingly enjoys the bard's company

Lisa - enjoys tea time with Lisa

Mona - doesn't really like Mona that much

Rosaira - again both Rosaira and Robin have the some energy so homies

Sucrose - Robin oddly likes Sucrose and she doesn't know why

Eula - like Eula better than Amber when Amber introduced the two

Noelle - good friends oddly enough, Robin likes Noelle a lot cause she makes her muffins

Zhongli - broke bitch, that's it

Chongyun - thinks he's weird but in a good way

Xingqui - the bookworm, she likes him reminds her of Alex when she's not around. So Alex 2.0 to her

Xingling - weird food maker 🤝Robin🤝Xingling

Xiao - likes him a lot, maybe too much 😳

Ganyu - likes her horns, Robin thinks they're cool

Ningguang - indifferent about her, has really interacted much with lady of mora

Keqing - another character that I think has the some energy as Robin so they're close

Hu Tao - 🤡

Qiqi - zombie child? Rad🤘🏼

Xinyan - rock and roll 🤝Robin🤝Xinyan

Yanfei - she talks too much for Robin's liking so they're not close

Beidou - thinks she's cool

Childe/Tartaglia - hates him, never trusted his good guy act

Kamisato Ayaka - likes her, good person in Robin's opinion. Friends

Thoma - ugh, I hate this guy

Gorou - respects him like Alex but doesn't call him General Gorou

Raiden Shogun/ Baal - bitch with a cool sword

Yoimiya - pisses her off too much to be around her

Sayu - cute and powerful, like Klee but Robin likes this one

Kaedehara Kazuha - likes his personality, close friends

Kujou Sara - just a bitch

Sangonomiya Kokomi - pretty and powerful, fish lady

Yae Miko - cool as fuck

Other Characters:
Aether - somewhat friends

Signora - bitch but pretty

Scaramouche - thinks he's cool but short

Dainsleif - Robin don't trust him. Never did

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