Hero/Vigilante Oc #5

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Name: Jane Connors
Hero Name: Bombshell
Age: 17
Sex: Female
Height: 5'5"
Nationality: Puerto Rican-American
Eye Color: left eye, Blue; right eye, brown
Hair Color: brown dyed red in stripes in places
Hometown: San Francisco, California


An orphan with super intelligence can create bombs of any kind. Jane calls herself an anti-hero until she was taken in by the Titans and taking a weird interest in the Lone Samurai himself, Ronin Nagakura.


Don't have any other than her intelligence in the art of bomb building

Appearance/Civilian Clothing:
Has her hair in twin braid most of the time or a ponytail
A lot of scars all over her hands, face and arms; freckles all over her face, arms, shoulders and hips
Wears a lot of sleeveless tops; a Jean jacket sometimes and jeans covered in paint or soot

Hero Suit:
Wear a fitted tank top with an orange bandanna on her left upper arm.
Old brown leather belt with all of her tool for bomb making
Wears googles on top of her head
Wears combat pants; a bit baggy, lots of pockets
Brown combat boots

Works for/Allied with:

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