Chapter 23

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On a bright morning, after Amell suggested marriage to Jean. He-

"Why did I do that?!" Amell clamored at himself, sitting on a chair adjacent to Wangmin Restaurant. Apparently, there had been a band of thieves who looted the entire food stock the previous morning so the boss of said restaurant was obviously enraged by this. 

Xiangling, who was the most passionate breadwinner in that culinary founding satiated herself with juicy ingredients she found fresh in the wild. When she'd discovered the inventory was torn to tatters, she made no hesitation to hunt down whoever had caused such sacrilege. 

Hu Tao slapped Amell on the back of his head but this did nothing to set his mind right. 

"I'm not a master of special attachments but you should've said it when the fireworks burst into the sky for dramatic effect," she tried consoling him.

Xingqiu, who was just across the other side of the circular table closed his eyes and took a deep breath through his nostrils. His response was immaculate. "Wouldn't his lover be unable to hear intense words under the fireworks' cacophony?" 

Hu Tao pointed a finger at her young but intelligent friend. "Don't you dare call it that! I don't even know what that means but your tone indicates it as strange!" She squeezed the air with her fingers. "Why are you even here? We usually talk if you're done reading your own stories."

"Ah. But that is where you are incorrect my dear friend," Xingqiu stood up from his seat, showing Hu Tao the book he'd been reading for the past thirty minutes. "This book isn't mine. These are from when I was younger. I am completely different from when I was but a mere child in the summertime-"

"I will seriously spank you if you keep acting like an elegant impressionist," Hu Tao said. She returned back to a mentally conflicted Amell. "So, Jean has made no effort to speak to you after you proposed? I'll just have to remind you some hoodlums committed thievery to the restaurant beside us but this is much more important, yes."

"You just so happen to have free time as well, being an administrator of life and death," Xingqiu butted in. "Fear not nonetheless, my men are on the case. Never underestimate the eye of the Feiyun Commerce Guild."

"How is any of Xiangling's cooking endeavors connected to your guild of bookworms?" Hu Tao clicked her tongue, pouting.

"We happen to have business with them but that is not something I wish to discuss right now."

"I was fine sitting alone until you two appeared out of nowhere and took a seat," Amell said. "Well, I suppose any company is good company... How'd your days went?"

"Me?" Hu Tao pointed to herself, not expecting a random question like that. "Life isn't so great but you learn to appreciate it when you realize how short it is. I'm exposed to that kind of thing on a daily basis so... I'm pretty good!"

Xingqiu spoke next. "I don't go out too often. Bathing in the sunlight does give me a sense of euphoria. I however do find it healthy to do so than being sheltered and so here I am alongside you two."

"You two somehow answered my question..." Amell replied. "Well, Jean had told me she needed to think about what I said. I didn't think it meant I had to leave her alone for a while. We didn't even speak this morning... Right now she's with Ningguang discussing about any recent happenings in the outskirts of Liyue but I just feel that it has to partly do with me..." 

"The Tianquan did mention you two spending time here until you leave. This must mean you're enjoying Liyue!" Hu Tao exclaimed, irritating Iron Tongue Tian. "How do you like it so far? Have you visited Qingce Village? What about going to Wuwang Hill and spooking yourself by peeing your pants?"

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