First Day of School

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A/N: Hey guys! So this is my first ever story!! I feel like I suck at writing, but I used to love it as a kid, so here we are. ALSO I SUCK AT GRAMMAR!! So if it's written poorly that's why!  I hope you all enjoy!Xx
"Louis honey, wake up!" I heard my mom call from the bottom of the steps. I rubbed my eyes, trying to get rid of the grogginess I felt in the mornings, but I couldn't. I barely slept last night, due to the anticipation of today; the first day of my senior year.

I don't want to fucking get up, fuck school. I thought to myself as I sat up in my bed. I looked around, noticed how messy my room was, then, sighed to myself and got up to start my "wonderful day." Ha! Wonderful day my ass! School was never going to be wonderful as long as he's there.

Harry Styles.

Even his name irks me. I just, well, I just hated him. He's one of the popular jocks in the school, along with me, but we definitely weren't friends. I don't know how people were friends with him. He literally believed that he was a god I swear! Walked around the hallways at school like he was walking down the red carpet. Smiled at the girls he passed, then smirked when he saw them blush. Like how self centered could someone be? Oh, and don't even get me started about football. I'm the best player on the team without a doubt, but coach Corden made both of us captains. You should have seen the look on Harry's face! He smirked, then winked at me. I was so mad that I left practice after that.

I didn't  hate him because I was  jealous. I'm wasn't. I just don't see why everyone was so obsessed with him. Obsessed with his stupid dimples, curly hair, and stunning green eyes. I mean....shit green eyes. Yeah. They're ugly, just like him. Whatever, if I kept thinking about this I was gonna be late for school.

I quickly finished getting ready for school and walked out of my house in under ten mins. I got into my car and started driving to my friend Zayn's house to pick him up. Unlike Harry, I loved Zayn. Not love like "in love" but more of a brotherly kind of love. We basically were brothers, since we've been best friends since we were five. Speaking of friends, I was also friends with this guy named Liam, he's the nicest dude in the school and has been friends with Zayn and I  since we met him in primary school. The problem was, Liam's friends with Harry too, not like I cared, but it's hard to see someone you cared about, hanging with an asshole like Harry.

After I finished that thought I pulled up to Zayn's house. "Good Morning Zaynie,"I said with the goofiest smile. "Morning Lou," he laughed, "Happy first day of senior year!" I smiled and nodded to him, then turned on some music. I made sure to put on something upbeat or else I'd fall sleep on the way there. We drove for about 10 minutes, when we finally pulled up to our school, Hampton Area High School. Our mascot was The Hornets" which was pretty cool I guess because the school next to us had a rock as theirs. Yes, a rock. Who knew what that school was thinking.

I parked my car in my spot and looked over to Zayn. "You ready?" I asked. He replied with a no and I laughed. We got out of the car and walked into the building. Zayn and I were walking to our lockers when we felt two arms grab our shoulders and pull us back. "Fuck" I muttered, until I turned around and saw that it was Liam who grabbed us. "Lima Bean!" I yelled happily and jumped into his arms for a hug. "Hi Lou" he smiled, "how was the rest of your summer? I haven't seen you in forever!" "Lima I saw you last week" I giggled as I jumped down. We both started laughing until I heard someone call his name. Styles.

Harry and his friend Niall walked over to us. He swung his arm around Liam and whispered something in his ear. Liam's face blushes while he nudged Harry's stomach. "Hey Z," he said to Zayn. "Louis," he said in a cocky tone, while looking at me up and down. "Styles," I said in a bored tone. He just winked at me and started talking to the other boys again. Annoyed I shoulder him out of the way and started to put some things in my locker to get ready for my classes. Just when was about to shut my locker, I felt  someone's breath on my neck. "See you at practice later, Captain." I turned to see Harry walking away from me to his class. What a fucking weirdo, I thought to myself. I shut my locker and walked to my first period.

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