Why I "hated" him

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A/N: Hey guys!! Hope you're enjoying the story!! I'm gonna be switching between Harry's and Louis's POV a few times, so tell me if it's too confusing after you read it, thanks!xx

When I got home from Liam's, I walked up to my room and threw myself onto my bed. The last time I was laying here, Louis was cuddling with me. I frowned at the thought. "This sucks," I whispered out. I ran my hands over my face and rubbed my eyes. 'I need to text Lou,' I thought to myself.

I grabbed my phone and clicked on his name to send him a message. So I started typing...."Hey Lou, I know you're mad and upset with me, but can you please text me back. I really need to talk to you about what happened. So if you see this, please text me or call me, I'm so sorry. Xx" I pressed send and sighed out. I really hoped that he'd answer me, but if I were in shoes I'd probably just ignore the message.

I felt my eyes begin to water, so I looked up and blinked a few times to stop myself from crying. I thought about what Liam said, "you must really like him." I did though. I never told Lou this or even Liam, but I've had a crush on Lou for as long as I could remember. The problem was, my parents were extremely homophobic and told me at a young age, that liking boys wasn't accepted in our home.That's why I treated him like that, if I pretended to hate him, I thought that my feelings for him would die out over time and I'd grow out of my "gay phase."Ive tried everything I could the past few years to lose these feelings, obviously it didn't work.

I remember the day I met Louis.

It was the first day of school, we were in first grade. I walked around the play ground, nervous to talk to anyone because I had just moved to the school. I looked around, trying to find someone who looked nice enough to become friends with, when a beautiful boy with bright blue eyes and a sweet smile walked up to me. "Hi! I'm Louis! What's your name?" He asked me excitedly. "Umm I'm Harry.." "wanna be friends Harry?"he asked me with the same excitement. I nodded my head quickly and he smiled, pulling me into a hug. I laughed and hugged him back, he grabbed my hand and took me around the playground to meet his friends as well.

After the school day ended, I got dropped off by the bus and ran into the house to tell my parents about the new friend I made. "Hi Harry! How was your first day of school?" My parents asked me sweetly as I walked into the kitchen. I grinned so hard, "it was awesome! I met this boy! He was so pretty and had really blue eyes! He asked me to be his friend!" I said excitedly.

I remembered the look on their faces when I called Louis "pretty," my dad looked disgusted and my mom looked scared as she looked over at my dad. My mom paused before she spoke, "oh, did you mean you met a pretty girl?" I looked at her confused, "no, he's a boy, his laugh is really cute too!" My dad snapped his head over to look at me when I said that. My mom sighed and squatted down  to my level, putting her hands on my shoulders. "Honey," she said softly, "you aren't supposed to think boys are pretty, only girls." I frowned, I was so confused, "oh, but why?" She looked over at my dad before turning around to look in my eyes, "well, boys are supposed to like girls, and girls are supposed to like boys.. boys can't like other boys.. it's wrong." I nodded my head understandingly, "oh okay, I didn't know that." She nodded her head and smiled, "it's okay, you do now... were there any girls you thought were pretty today?" I thought about it for a moment, "uhh there was this girl named Maddi, she was pretty!" My parents smiled, "see that's good son! Tell us about her!" And the rest of the night I told them about a fake girl I made up to make them happy.
*end of flashback*

I wiped my eyes, tears were streaming down my face as I remembered that day. "I was just a little kid," I cried out to no one. I hated my parents for telling me that, but it only got worse from there.

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