The Party

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When I got home, my mom was up my ass about what I did when I was at Harry's, "no mom, we didn't sleep together," I whined out, why was she like this. "I don't believe that for a second, let me see your neck, I bet you have hickeys don't you," she laughed out with an amused smile. I rolled my eyes and laughed as I spun around, showing her that I, in fact, had no hickeys. She frowned, "well what did you guys do then?" "I told you this already mom, for the 100th time, we literally just cuddled and took a nap," I replied kind of annoyed, "why do you want me to sleep with him so badly, aren't you supposed to be overprotective and try to make sure that we don't?" She thought about it for a second, "well I suppose so, but I'm just so excited that you have a boyfriend!" "He's not my boyfriend mom," I rolled my eyes, "I told you how many times that I'd let you know what we are when I have an answer for you okay?" She pouted, but nodded nonetheless.

"Speaking of Harry though, do you care if I go to a party tonight at Stan's place? Harry wants me to go," I asked calmly. She squealed, "of course you can go! Do you want me to buy you lube and condoms? I can run to the store real qui-," "mom,"I laughed out." "I did it again, I'm sorry," she apologized, "yes you can go! Just be safe and make sure to let me know when you'll be back tomorrow." I laughed and told her I would, then walked upstairs to start to get ready for the party.

It was 6:30pm so I had a lot of time, I had to be over at Zayn's at 8 to hangout and pregame before we went to the party. Knowing this, I decided to take my time getting ready, I was going to look amazing tonight.

I went into my bathroom to shower. I turned the faucet on, got undressed, and stepped under the steaming hot water. I breathed out and closed my eyes, I thought of Harry. I could definitely now say that I had a huge crush on him, but how could you not? He was literal sex on legs and I was going to make him think of me like that tonight. I smiled to myself, but then frowned, 'what if people find out about us, well it's not like we're a thing, but if we kiss and people see, they'll know we're gay.' I shook my head, it'll all workout in the end, I just needed to make sure that neither of us got too fucked up so we had control over ourselves.

After that thought, I started to wash myself. I made sure I scrubbed every inch of my skin with soap and I also shaved- yes I know what you're thinking, I just want to be prepared if anything were to happen, okay? I washed my face and my hair, and was out of the shower in 20 minutes.

I stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my waist, then I left the bathroom to find something to wear. When I got to my room I decided to lather my whole body with lotion (gotta make my skin look soft) and found the perfect outfit in the process. I chose a black tank top that said "skate tough" on it and black skinny jeans that made my ass look nice, also a pair of black vans to seal the deal. I threw my outfit on and put on some deodorant and cologne and walked back into my bathroom. I decided to style my hair in a messy side quiff and put on a little bit of mascara to make my blue eyes pop. After about ten minutes, I brushed my teeth, grabbed my keys, and was out the door to go to Zayn's.

I pulled up to Zayn's and saw I was the last person there. It was only a few guys including Zayn and Liam, so I wasn't worried. I walked into his house and down to the basement. When I got down there everyone cheered. "Lou I'm so happy you're here," Liam slurred out. "Woah mate, how much have you drank? It's only 8:15," I said and glared at Zayn. He put his hands up in defense, "he said he wanted to get trashed and I wasn't going to tell him no." I rolled my eyes, "you're such a simp, if he throws up later, you're the one who's cleaning it up. Not me." Zayn nodded his head quickly, "of course Lou, I'm not gonna let anything bad happen to him, I promise." I nodded and patted his shoulder, then walked over to the drinks that were at his bar. I took 5 shots and then stopped, I wanted to see how I was gonna feel tonight, and I didn't want to over do it so early.

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