The Office

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I closed my eyes and breathed out. I was stuck in a room with the person I hated most.

"Thanks a lot Louis," Harry said with so much hatred. "You know what, fuck you, it's literally your fault," I snapped. Harry looked up at me with surprise. I walked towards him and pointed at his chest. "It's your fucking fault!" I screamed at him. "How," he said with a calm but arrogant tone. I smiled bitterly before I spoke, "because I was trying to warn you that this was going to happen if we fought today and you didn't even give me a chance to tell you!" He just scoffed and sat down on the floor. "Whatever," he said. "Yeah whatever," I mocked and sat down next to him. "Why the fuck are you sitting next me to you freak?" he seethed. I bit my tongue and took a deep breath to calm myself, "coach said we have to talk it out, so let's get it over with." "No." he replied and closed his eyes.

I waited a minute or two before asking if he was asleep, he replied with a bitter no which made me roll my eyes. "Why do you hate me Harry," I asked in a sweet tone. He opened one of his eyes to peak at me and then closed it without saying anything. Fine. If he wanted to play the silent game then I will too. I closed my eyes and just focused on my breathing. I didn't notice myself fall asleep next to him only a few minutes later.

I woke up to the sound of giggling? I opened my eyes and saw my whole team in the office watching Harry and I cuddled up next to each other. Wait what?! I jumped off of him so quickly which made my team laugh even harder. "Shut the fuck up all of you!" I yelled out. My yelling caused Harry to wake up and he too looked confused to why everyone was standing and watching us in the office.

"What are you guys doing in here," he asked with a raspy voice. "Oh nothing," Ollie said with a smirk. "We were just watching you and Lou cuddled up together sleeping, here look," and showed Harry the picture. I had never seen Harry get madder than that "delete it!" He screamed and lunged toward Ollie who ran away with the phone as Harry chased after him.

Liam walked up to me with sad eyes, "so I'm guessing you two are civil then," he questioned sadly. I looked at the ground and then back up when he spoke again, "maybe, ugh I don't know, maybe you guys just need to hangout by yourself and you'll see that you guys don't hate each other as much as you think." I laughed, "yeah we'll see Lima." Then I walked away.

I continued to sit in the locker room until the rest of the team left again to take a shower. It's not like I cared if they were there I just felt like all the attention was on me n I wanted some time to myself to think. I got under the hot water and began to wash myself when I heard the locker room door open. I sighed hoping it wasn't Harry, it was. I was just minding my business when I heard another shower turn on, and looked over at him. I don't know why I looked over when I knew he was showering, but I did and my breath got caught in my throat. He looked so.... attractive? No no stop you're not gay I thought to myself and quickly shut off the water.

I walked over to get changed when I heard foot steps coming towards me. It was Harry, again wet from his shower, with a towel wrapped around him. I looked over his body, his tattoos were beautiful? His abs looked so toned I wanted to lick them. Wait what?! No no I was going crazy what hahaha I don't want to do that, that's disgusting.

I looked up at Harry's face and he gave me a strange look. He was about to say something when I threw my shirt over my head and ran out of the locker room.

I ran out to my car and jumped in the driver seat. I rested my head against the steering wheel and breathed. "You're not gay" I told myself. I wasn't. I just had a long day and my head was playing tricks on me. I found Harry Styles attractive? No way! Even if I did, he's a terrible person that treated me like shit. I couldn't even imagine what would happen if he thought I found him attractive. He'd probably tell the whole school and they'd start calling me the f slur, which is so wrong by the way.

I shook my head and tried to get rid of those thoughts, then I turned on my car and drove home. What I didn't notice, however, was that Harry was sitting in his car and watch my whole breakdown with a confused look on his face.

When I got home I called to my mom from the front door that I wasn't feeling well and went upstairs to my room. My head felt like it was spinning. Could I be gay? I thought to myself. I mean I never dated anyone, but I did used to find this one girl Eleanor from my school attractive.

I sighed to myself as I sat on my bed and went on my laptop and to look up 'am I gay' on google. I tried reading all of the articles that stated how to know if you were and I started to have a panic attack. I couldn't breathe and then I just broke down. I was sobbing so loudly that I put my face in my pillow so my mom couldn't hear me. I guess I was wrong though because I few minutes later I heard a knock on my door.

"Boobear are you alright," I heard her question softly behind the door. I tried to say yeah, but my voice cracked and I started to break down again. She asked if she could come in, and when I didn't respond she came in anyway. I looked up at her with bloodshot eyes and she ran over to me to hold me.

"Shhh shhhh, you're okay boo," she said softly while rocking me back and fourth. "What's wrong," she questioned. I started bawling even more. I couldn't tell her what I was thinking! I didn't think she would care, but if I said it out loud then it would be true. Did I hate Harry because I actually liked him? I wasn't quite sure anymore.

I tried to speak, but every time I did I would just start bawling again. I felt so bad for her because I was ruining one of her favorite shirts with my tears and snot, not like she cared, but still. After about thirty minutes my breathing calmed down and I wasn't crying anymore, just hiccuping and shaking.

She rubbed my back and rocked me until I fell asleep.
A/N IDK IF THIS IS GOOD OR NOT I THINK ITS SHIT so if ur reading this I'm sorry! I'm just gonna keep writing tho because I like the plot so maybe when I'm bored I can just read my own story lol

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