Telling Liam

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I woke up on Monday with a pounding headache. I checked the time on my phone, it was 7:03am. Sighing, I looked through my notifications to see what I missed when I was asleep.

Harry texted me again, great. It wasn't great. I read his message and clicked my phone off. I didn't understand why he was still trying to reach out. I understood that the whole situation happened only yesterday, but still. He hurt me. Why couldn't he understand that I didn't want to talk to him. I obviously did want to talk to him, but I had to prove a point. What he did was fucked up and I knew he understood that now, but I had to show him that he couldn't pull something like that on me and expect me to come running back to whatever the fuck we were.

I closed my eyes again, trying to fall back asleep. I was so grateful that my mom was letting me skip school today. I honestly couldn't imagine having a conversation with Harry today about what happened, especially at school where other people could hear us.

When I felt myself falling back asleep I heard a knock on my door. "Good morning Boo," I heard my mom whisper. I looked up at her and smiled, "morning," I responded. "How'd you sleep?" I closed my eyes, "good I guess, I woke up to texts from Harry," I said quietly. She nodded her head as she walked into my room to sit on my bed. "And what did he say?" she wondered. I sighed out, "just a bunch of bullshit, that he's sorry and wants to talk, blah blah blah." She laughed, "blah blah blah huh?" "Yes," I responded dryly. "What should I do though? Should I answer him?" She thought about it for a moment, "I'm not sure, I've never been in this situation before, what do you think you should do?" I thought about it for a few seconds, "I don't know, i obviously still have feelings for him, but he's a dick and he obviously doesn't care about me. He just wants my body or something.." "you think he wants your body? Didn't he tell you that he didn't want to sleep with you until you were both ready? That he wanted it to be special for the both of you? That doesn't sound like he just wants your body to me-" "I don't know mom," I cried out, "I don't know, he obviously doesn't have feelings for me, he- he just told me that he was gay and attracted to me, so that means he doesn't even care.." I began to cry. "You don't know that sweetie, please don't cry, I know this is hard for you, but I feel like you'll feel better if you talked to him... wouldn't you rather see what he has to say, instead of making up your own idea of why he did what he did?"

I nodded my head, what she said did make a lot of sense. "What should I do then? I feel like if I forgive him now, he'll just do something like this again," I frowned. She waited a few seconds before responding, "you know what, I have an idea. My best friend from work, Jamie, has a son who's gay! His name is max! I could give you his number and you could ask him for advice!" I thought about it, "I'm not sure if I want other people to know that I'm gay, I'll think about it though mom, thank you," I gave her a hug. She squeezed me tight, "of course Lou, I'll talk to Jamie about it today, I won't tell her about you, but I'll just see if she can give me Max's number, because you want more friends or something." "Alright thank you... but.. can I go back to bed? I'm exhausted." She laughed, "yes, I'm sorry, go back to bed and get some rest, there's still cake in the fridge if you want some," she said as she got up from my bed and walked out of my room. I closed my eyes and went back to bed.
I woke up and rubbed my face, trying to get rid of the tears that dried from last night. Groaning, I got out of bed and started to get ready for school. I had to make sure that I looked good today. Maybe if I looked good, Louis wouldn't be as upset with me. After that thought, I realized how stupid that sounded, but nonetheless, I walked into my bathroom to shower. I took a quick shower and made sure to wash myself well so that I smelled extra good. I got out, brushed my teeth, and put on some moisturizer. I put some product in my hair to make my curls look nice and sprayed cologne on me as well. When I walked back into my room and checked my phone, no response from Lou. 'It'll be okay, just talk to him today,' I thought to myself. I put on a nice outfit, grabbed my backpack and keys, and was out the door for school.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2021 ⏰

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