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I woke up on Saturday morning with a pounding headache. It was probably because I went to bed at 3 in the morning. Harry called me last night to make sure I didn't feel pressured by him earlier. I didn't feel pressured, I wanted to do it, so that's what I told him. After clearing the air, he started to ask me questions about myself. He started with the basics because we never got to learn anything about one another, besides the fact that we hated each other.


"Louuu, how can your favorite ice cream flavor be mint chocolate chip," he smiled showing his dimples, "that's disgusting," he said in a joking tone. "Oh fuck off, it's amazing, like me," I said dramatically. Harry giggled, he seriously giggled. "Whatever you say Lou," he smiled and bit his lip. We talked about everything for the rest of the night; our dreams, our families, everything. I learned so much about him, but I wanted to learn more, he was so fascinating. I didn't think he was a dick anymore, especially when he talked to me about how he fucked a bunch of girls because he wanted to turn straight. I laughed at that sentence, but then slapped my hands over my mouth in fear. It looked like he was going to cry so I tried to cheer him up, which resulted in him laughing and telling me he didn't care. "It is kinda funny, I thought if I fucked girls I'd get attached to them, but it didn't work," he sadly laughed out.

I frowned, "Harry there's nothing wrong with being gay, trust me, I was freaking out when I realized too, but I'm getting over my internalized homophobia." He nodded his head slowly, "it's just hard because of my parents, if they found out I'd be fucked..." "Then let's not tell them," I butted in. He looked at me confused, "how would he do that?" he raised his eyebrows. I smiled smugly, "let's just become "friends" and hangout a bunch, they won't be able to tell that we're gay..... sleepovers..," I whispered in a seductive tone. I saw his face turn red, he swallowed nervously and nodded shyly, "yeah, uh, sleepovers would be nice."

We continued to talk to each other for hours, whispering out our secrets into the air, and holding our breaths for the others reaction.

I smiled to myself as I laid my head on my pillow. I looked over to my phone and noticed Harry was asleep. He was adorable, his lips were lightly parted, breathing out lightly, and his curly hair fell over his forehead in the cutest way. "Goodnight love," I whispered as I kissed the camera and ended the call.

*end of flashback*

I sat up in bed and stretched my arms out, today was a Saturday, so I had nothing to do. I looked over at my alarm clock, it was 8:15. 'Fuck' I thought, I was so tired I wanted to sleep all day. Groaning I pulled off my covers and walked out of my room and down stairs to eat breakfast. "Good morning boo," my mom said to me with a tired smile. She was making tea and toast, so I asked her if she could make me some. She agreed with a smile and gave me a big hug, "how's my boobear doing this morning?" she asked in a caring tone. "I'm good, just really tired," I replied yawning. "On FaceTime too late with Harry?" She asked with a smirk. I paled, 'what if she heard my conversations with him? Especially the whole 'sucking dick' part,' I panicked. My mouth got dry, "uh I-I," "Don't worry, I didn't eavesdrop on you guys, I went to say goodnight and I heard you talking to someone, so I left," She interrupted quickly once she noticed my discomfort. I breathed out with relief, "ohh alright, yeah, I was talking to him." She nodded her head, "are you two together yet?" "Mom.. stop," I whined out, "I'm still not sure if he even likes me like that, but I promise if something happens, you'll be the first to know, just please stop talking about it... it's embarrassing." "Okay okay I'm sorry!" She laughed out loud, "it's've never dated anyone before and I think my
Boobear would make a great boyfriend, plus, you and Harry would be so cu-" "okay mom I'm leaving," I laughed out and walked out of the kitchen, "I'm gonna go for a walk," I called out. "Okay be safe!" I hear her yell as I walked out of my front door.

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