Chapter 12

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~ Korra ~

"He-Hello? I-Is anyone out there?"

Korra was standing in the darkest part of the forrest. Or at least she thought it was a forrest. There were trees all around her. The ones closer to the ground didn't have any leaves. And they looked charred. Not much light was coming through the trees up top which made it cast a dark and eerie shadow on everything.

Creepy. . . .very, very creepy. Where the hell am i? Wheres Asami? . . . ."Asami" She whispers.

Her heart clenched at the thought of her love being away from her. Her nerves were starting to get the better of her from those overwhelming thoughts. She creates a small flame in the palm of her hand, but noticed that it was very weak, and barely gave off any light. The trembling within her limbs wasn't helping at all either.

That's weird. I feel fine. Why am I so weak?

She started walking. Not exactly sure where she was going, but she was going somewhere. Anywhere but here, thats for sure. The shadows all around her seemed to follow her every move, she bristled and growled as the tiny hairs on the back of her neck started to stand on end and sent a bone chilling sensation down her spine. She picked up her pace slightly, not wanting to look back. There's something behind her. She can feel it. Her hairs stand up again and her skin is covered with tiny goosebumps as the chilling feeling washes over her yet again but its stronger than before. Much stronger. She picks up her pace even more and begins to breathe heavily as the air seems to get thinner.

Am I going up hill?

Her thoughts fall back on the chill that seems to be growing with every passing minute, and before long, she's sprinting up the mountain (or at least she thought it was a mountain) and noticed a clearing up ahead. Once she realized what it was, she doubled her pace and with a roar, flew into the clearing with such a force that she lost her balance and tumbled a good 30 feet before rolling to a stop.

The haze that clouded her eyes for what seemed like an eternity was finally dissipating and the dizziness in her head was becoming a slow pulsing. Throbbing.

Damn that hurt! Spirits! Ugh!

"What the- . . . Oh my Raava. . . . "

Korra sat there, wide eyed, in awe and more than slightly terrified. Never before had she seen such a magnificent looking creature. It stands as tall as the highest point of the temple on Air Temple Island, it shines brightly, like a million gorgeous amethyst jewels that dance's within the sunlight. Its a phoenix, but a hawk, with sparkling emerald eyes that hold a power and strength and love beyond anything the young avatar has ever seen before, with talons like a lion and the beauty of a swan. It truly is spectacular. No, spectacular isn't a good enough word. Magnificent. . .it is absolutely and truly magnificent.

I'm in the spirit world aren't I? But. . . if i'm here. . . .then that must mean, I. . . . .oh my god!

"Am i-. . . . .Am I dead?"

There was a slight silence. Everything was still as if it was waiting for the spirit to answer.

"No my dear child, you are not dead. You are simply in a state of limbo, caught between the physical and spiritual realms. While your body is stuck in the physical world, your spirit is stuck here, for how long, we do not know at the moment. That all depends on you my child. You, my dear Korra, have been through so much, and will be faced with many revelations. And what you choose to do after these revelations, will be completely up to you. But just know, that whatever you choose, I will be right by your side."
The spirits voice came out a booming rumble that went straight to her core. Its familiar and husky, and oh so very powerful yet gentle, soothing and caring all the same. Its familiar, in more than one way. Like she's heard it a million times within her dreams. . . . .

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