Chapter 50 : Stranger In The Dark

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I stared at the empty beer bottles in front of me. The pub had a lot of people and it was annoying as fuck . They laugh as if they owned the place . Fuckin hell my head hurts , my eyesight was swirling , and my body weights a hundred tons.

I took a swig of the bitter drink and took out my wallet and dump some cash on the table as I went to the bathroom. I stumble on the way going to it , I manage to take a clean piss , and washed my hands , I stared at the mirror and All I see was my reflection that looks like a wimp . A fucking wimp , with long fucked up hair , wearing a vneck and that shitty boyish grin . I stared at him , until he began fading away.

" Hey man , do you mind ? "

I looked behind me and found a guy with his eyes on the faucet. I nodded and left the comfort room , my head weight a thousand of tons , and I can feel my weight being pull down the floor , like its calling my body to rest. So I decided to call it a night.

I made my way towards the exit and it lead me on the sidewalk, it was a very quiet neighborhood , like good ol sheffield. As I walked to my apartment which was twenty blocks away I noticed the sky was dark and there were only a few stars appeared. But then there was this shooting star and me as an idiot made a wish .

Wishing on stars aren't my thing. I look stupid when I did that. That was really stupid as fuck . But I wished on that star that One day I want to see Lana . Lana who's waiting for me , who loves me not just she wants something from me , but because she loves me for who I am. That we'll be okay again , just like the first time we've been together ... That kind of perfect . Just talking ,not clever converstions, just about anything we could think of . Sharing stories from the past , holding hands, the laughter filling the silence and eeriness of some room .

But then it was gone . It wont comeback . I think she wouldnt give me my third chance . Ive had enough ...

' Beep. Beep'

I stared at my phone .

' From: Matt

Call me as soon as you get this '

I dialled Matt's phone number and placed the phone on my ear , as I walked into the empty streets waiting for Matt to answer.

' Al ! '

" Yeh ? "

' Are you and Arielle ? '

" Yeh. , well. Were not together anymore "

' Ah , I see , where the fuck are ya ? '

" In some neighborhood "

I heard some shuffling on the background and I do know that Matt is coming to get me.

' Al , dont move '

" I can go home all by meself , babye matt "

I chuckled and ended the call , I just walk like Im on a cloud nine , no one can stop and take pictures of me at this time of the night . Im not scared getting robbed the fact that I dont have any cash left , and my phone isnt the Iphone one , just my sidekick . And besides no one is in the streets , I guess they have curfew or something .

As I walk straight pass by a convinience store , I saw a woman in a dress , with a yankees cap on , her brown long hair was all over the place and she has a basket with her or maybe a pull cart whatever they call that . And she was just walking alone too , it made me feel okay , because the woman was also all by herself walking in the empty streets in the middle of the night . I tried to walk normal and dont produce any sound . In case she got frightened and runaway.

She just walked and walk , like I did , I stumbled a lot on the sidewalk and she doesnt even care .

But then after my sixth or seventh failed walk and I stumble on the ground , the woman looked at her back , and I swore to myself , she's fucking gorgeous , I saw the way she blinked her eyes in diabelief , and I knew that I known those eyes for so long . But I cant remember where .

" Fuck ... "

I laughed as I gain my composture and the woman was just staring at me . I cant get to see her full face , but all.I can see was those dazzling dark eyes that were pierced to mine .

After a few seconds of staring she looked away and started walking , but now even faster .

I cursed under my breathe and tried catching up with her , by me stumbling and walked normally. She kept glancing at me , and I just look at her , I really cant make out her face , because of her hair and her cap .

She sure does walk fast the fact that I was already a block away from home , and there was the street lights were on , so I took the chance to see who the woman is .

A/N : very short I know , but hey sory for being inactive. I was busy and i dont have internet but yeah , hahah omfg thanks for support me really :) ily guys . Haha and hey look chapter fifty yeey haha


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