Chapter 64 : Crybaby

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Lana's POV

I sighed and looked at the mirror as I put on my mascara, and lipstick, Alex was on the bathroom as he sings along to his favourite band playing on the radio. Yes he requested a radio in our hotel suite. After knowing the result of the test, we were all calmed down. Well not really.

There was a knock on the door and I opened it, revealing Katie in her sweats.

" Girl, why do you even wear mascara and lipstick ? You look nice without make up "

" Uhm... I thought... "

" Were going to the gym, silly, you need to exercise for the baby ! "

I sighed and looked at her.

" Katie stop spreading the news, the walls might be listening we can't just talk about something like this on public "

" Im just so excited to have a little you or little Alexander running around ! "

I laughed at this, she was just really a bundle of joy. Katie lights up the room like nobody else (A/N: LOL SORRY 1D )

" Get dress ! Were going to the gym ! They say it has one of the best gym facilities here in the states "

" Alright, come in "

I said as I lauged quietly, Alex was still on the bathroom doing god knows what.

" Well, not bad, for a five star hotel "

Katie looked around the room with adoration, she loves designing homes, I might take her as our house designer someday.

" Katie, what should I wear ?! "

I grunted as I looked at my clothes in my luggage, which all doesnt fit for the gym.

" Oh come on, just for some leggings or something "

Katie said as she looked at the interior designs of the room. I sighed in defeat. Then thought about what will happen in the next nine months. Oh god.

" AHHH ! "

I heard Katie screamed and Alex dropped his radio on the floor. I looked at the both of them. As Alex's face turned bright red, and went inside the bathroom.

" Gosh Turner ! "

" I didnt know ! "

Alex shouted from the Bathroom. I giggled at the two of them.

" Ugh, Lana let's go I'll just give you some of my sweats ! It's already past 8 ! "

" Why the hurry ? Are you trying to check out some guys there ? "

I laughed at her , and she just smirked and rolled her eyes at me.

" Yeah right ! Im happy with my sexy bod of a husband ! And you should too ! "

I giggled and we held hands as we closed the door and dashed to their hotel rooms. We made it and we entered the room, it was quite smaller than ours and had two queen size beds. Bryanna was on the bathroom, when we arrived.

" Hiiiiii Lana omg ! Congratulations ! "

She hugged me as soon as she saw me, I smiled at her and hugged her back.

" What did Alexander said about ? "

She asked, Katie looked at her disapprovingly.

" It's okay Katie, Uhm... We havent talked about what we're gonna do, we just hugged eachother to sleep "

I shrugged and smiled a little at Breanna and she nodded.

" Well, just count me in as your bridesmaid and godparent of your baby , okay ? "

He's My Favorite Nightmare // Lana Del Rey & Alex Turner Fanfic {EDITING}Where stories live. Discover now