Chapter 5 : I Was Caught Up In A Fairytale ... I Guess ?

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I woke up in the sound of a beeping sound that came from my alarm and I tapped it to make it stop. I opened my eyes and close it again . Damn I can truly see the sunlight that shines from the big glass window that was fully open . And I think Matty intentionally did that to annoy me , I hate sunlight , it's just so bright and blinding .

" Ring ring "

My phone runged and I saw my phone in the floor near the door of the bedroom . ' Nice job Healy . '. I thought , i force myself to get up and answer the phone call . To my suprise Alex didn't came home last night , I guess he stayed at Matt's or something .

" Hello ? "

I scratched the back of my neck and walked downstairs .

" Where the hell are you ?! we've been calling for an hour now ! "

Whoops , I forgot about the studio . But no I need rest my head pounds like hell and I pretty much have a hungover .

" Not in the mood "

As I go to the kitchen and took some pill and drink some water .

" What ?!?!? are you fucking kidding me ?! "

" I'm not in mood . Cancel today , stay home and get some rest . "

" What are you talking about ? "

My head fucking hurts and I want sleep . You moron .

" I said get some rest . I feel like shit and I look like shit so goodbye . "

I hunged up before Katie can say something . I leaned on the kitchen counter and tried to process something .

Yeah I need some fresh milk for cereals , ugh idiot . I face palmed myself and heard the front door open . I went to the living room and saw Al in the process of removing his shoes . He still has his shades on but his hair is all messy .

" Well , good morning "

I said sarcastically and he almost jumped when he heard me and I let out a giggle .

" Ugh . I ... uh ... What are you doing here ? "

I laughed at him one more time and raised an eyebrow .

" What am I doing here ? huh . weird . "

I sighed and rolled my eyes on him , turning back to the bedroom to get dress .


After getting dress in just skinny jeans and a shirt , I tied my hair in a ponytail and took my purse and phone , that's when Al walked in .

" Where are you going ? "

I look at him.

" Well anywhere ? I think you don't want me here so yeah I'll leave for your sake . "

I walked past by him but he caught my wrists .

" I'm sorry . I thought you have work today . "

He look at me confused . I gave him a small smile .

" I took a day off . I had a bad hungover . "

" Hungover ? "

I nod and he doesn't seem too happy to what I have said.

" What's wrong ? "

A frown made its way to form in my lips and he sighed .

" Who are you with ? "

He's My Favorite Nightmare // Lana Del Rey & Alex Turner Fanfic {EDITING}Where stories live. Discover now