Chapter 16 : Descisions

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Thinking about what happened a few days ago with Al , it's not him . Like he's not him anymore , it's been five days or I might say five days after that talk and we haven't contacted eachother , and I might say I do miss him . So much . But I want Him to first call me or maybe even text me .

" Hey , are you still listening Lana ? "

I glanced over Katie and the other guys are looking at me , I nodded even tho I didn't quite understand what they were discussing a while ago . Were about to put in the tone for the song , which is still untitled but , almost done .

" Well what do you say ? "

Josh asked me , which made me gulp and looked at the ceiling .

" Well Josh , how can she even say anything ? The explanation wasn't that clear either . "

Thank god to Max , being my saviour I should treat him sometime .

" Well , about the drums we should have like this tempo , like 2 beats ? I guess then , Guitars and the bass will be your job . "

" Uh , well I guess it's a good plan. Lets do it . "

I said with a smile on my face . I want them to feel excited even tho I'm not excited for it .

" Let's get to work "

We focused on the beats before the guitar solos or bass solos , then add a lot more , before we called it a day . I was about to fetch a cab , when 'Dan my friend' called me .

' Hello ? '

" Hi Dan , how are you ? "

He chuckled on the other line and I can imagine that cute smile plastered on his face .

' I'm good , I was wondering how are you ? '

" I don't want to lie to me 'friend' so no I'm not that fine . "

I sighed and leaned on the cold brick wall looking at the people passing by , kids , men , women . I thought about how come I told Dan that I wasn't doing fine . He's a stranger , well not really he's one of my acquaintance , but still , I should have told my bestfriend right ? the fact that I have like three bestfriends or more than that . But all I could think is hide this away from them , because all I know is that they'll tell me ' you're being paranoid' , ' don't you have something else to tell us ? ' , ' Pretend I don't exist ' , ' I don't know what to say ' . And all sorts of reply that disappoint me . And I think Dan is better than them , in fact I'm gonna tell him everything .

'Well , Dan the good listener is at your service '

I sighed contently and smiled to myself

" I might agree to that , but first I need to go home , I'm still outside , ill call you in 15 ? sounds good ? "

' Sure thing ! bye ! '

I hung up and rode a taxi , I arrived at 'our' place and it's still the same , dark , and quiet . Sometimes it sucks being a girlfriend , waiting up , does all of the talking , should be pretty at all times . But thank god Al isn't like that , he likes plain me , and I like plain him . I took my phone out and dialed Dan's number and called him up. He picked up after three rings .

' Hi ! so mind telling me your update on your messy life ? '

" Well ... I don't want to sound like a middle school girl or whatever . but longstory , I visited him last week ? And guess what , we had a fight . He told me to leave so I did , and after that we never contacted eachother . "

He's My Favorite Nightmare // Lana Del Rey & Alex Turner Fanfic {EDITING}Where stories live. Discover now