Chapter 26 : You Can Take My Heart If Yours Can't Beat

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As I walked towards Matty he had a smile on his face , I hugged him tight .

"Shh , I'm right here "

He said as he rubs my back . I pulled away and stared at him , he looked worried . And its my fault , I shouldn't have acted that way .

" Did you know how much I missed you huh !? "

I said as I felt tears bring to my eyes and playfully punched him .

" Ok OK. !! Stop . I'm sorry ! "

I stared at him and hugged him again .

" you're such a big pig . "

I said between sobs , he lift my chin up and kissed my cheek .

" I am . I agree "

He smiled. We sat down on the swing set .

" How was Manchester ? "

I asked him as he starts swinging , he had a big grin on his face . I did miss it .

" still the same , how are you ? "

" good . as it should be . "

He looked at me and tucked my loose hair in my ear .

" you look ravishing tonight "

" yeah . thanks for noticing "

I sighed . How come Matty notices me ? And Al doesnt. He didn't even talked to me , or either kissed me and introduce me to his friend tonight .

" what's with the attire ? "

He smiled at me , I glance at him .

" its the Arctic's album launch. "

Matty raises an eyebrow and his mouth formed an 'O'

" well that explains the look in your face "

" you still noticed it . How come you notice it when I don't even let it show "

I sighed and run my hand through my hair , removing my hair clips .

" are you kidding Elizabeth ? I've known you for almost half of my life . Of course I know if you're troubled or not ."

He chuckles he's right . he had know me for almost years now . He must have even know every thing I fancy .

" Can we have like a trivia game ? "

I asked him and he nodded .

" What's my stage name ? "

" Lana Del Rey , you don't like being called your real name . Well someone can call you that if the person is close to you "

" My birthdate ? "

" That's easy . its on the 21st of June in the year 1985th "

" you still do know where I was born right ? "

I giggled and he had wide eyed .

" aw how come you forgot my birthplace ? "

He smirked at me.

" you were born in the city that never sleeps . New York City "

" I thought you had forgotten "

He smiles at me and pinched my cheek .

" I would never forget everything about you "

I narrowed my eyes on him . But we ended up laughing at each other . We tried to reminiscence everything . And did missed him , everything was normal for me and him ..

' Beep . beep'

'From : Arctic Nick
Hey love . pick me up ? Its Al'

I sighed and looked at Matty one last time before I stood up ..

" going home already?"

" Yeah . its three in the morning and I need to pick up Alex . "

" okay well ... Goodnight then ? "

" yeah goodnight Matty . And you better take a rest I'm pretty sure you're exhausted . "

I kissed his cheek and walked away from him . As I drive to the pub , I saw Al sitting in the curb , I was shocked to see there was no one outside , he flicks his phone open and close , he's biting his tongue , and just stared blankly at the cellphone screen that seemed to be dead . I parked near the pub and walk towards him . He stood up , straightens himself and tries to style his quiff .

" Hey .. "

He walked towards the car not even bothering to look at me , he walks limply and forces himself to get on the car which is usually locked , I opened the car door and he barges in the backseat . I sighed and drove back to our flat . My phone buzz but I didn't looked at it , I carried Al upstairs and let him sleep on the couch , bringing him a blanket and a pillow .

" Lizzie ..."

He whispers and he turns to his side , I gave him the pillow for him to hug , I took off his shoes and socks and placed them on the shoe rack . When I came back I saw Al's muttering something in to his sleep . I sat beside him and combed his hair up , and kissed his nose .

" Goodnight love "

I carresed his cheek with my thumb and he suddenly push his cheek so I can cup it . Seems like someones missing my touch , I thought .

" see you in the morning love"

I kissed his cheek , and turned away ..I went to the bedroom , I picked up my phone , and Saw a text message Matty Sent me.

'From: Matty
You can take my heart if yours can't beat . '

I got confused , what's with Matty this months ? We've been very distant lately , and its our first time in months to talk face to face , I still remembered what Adam told me Matty's a good liar ? Infront of me ? I sighed and didn't let it bother me.that much , I soon drifted to sleep .

A/N : okay heeeey guys ! I want to explain that suck it and see album is released in 2010 in here xD even though it should be on 2011 but yeah , its a fan fiction so I can make up a few things xD So yeah I made it in 2010 because it was also the release of Lana"s first album if I'm right . So yeah I made it clear now :) And the dates etc. Is part of the story , I made it 2010 for a reason ;)
Stay with me oh pllleeeease ! ^•^
Thanks for the votes and the feedbacks I enjoyed reading them :3 I also want to thanks you for reading this story :3
Well enough of this haha new chapter is well coming so yeah I'll update as soon as I can :3
Bye !! <3



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