Chapter 57 : Aftershows

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After that song I was literally shaking and fisgetting asWe said our farewells and letting the Arctics warmed up. I passed by him and gave him a nod.

" Good show! "

Louis mqde his way to me and hugged me , ofcourse he would do that he's being a dad to me eventho were in like the same age.


I smiled and hugged Josh, I think they had just arrived. The other guys came rushing in and gave me a tight group hug, after what seems forever, the guys went to their tour bus while me and Josh watched the Arctics play their set. It was lively as always, a sway from the hips of Turner, head banging from Mr. Cookie , amazing back vocals from O'malley, and theprofessional drumming from Helders, just a perfect night of their music.

" So ... I heard you guys went on a date ? "

Josh glanced at me sideways.

" Date ? "

He smirked at my tone , ofcourse I sound defensive,well the thought of it, I know I made it clear it was an acquaintace date.

" Elizabeth, are you really sure you want to pull that act on me? We've been bestfriends for as long that I can remember. "

" Fine... "

I sighed, I told him about what happened during that acquaintance date, and some of the unavoidable flirting moments with him. Josh listened carefully throughout the loud music and screams. He nodded at some part, laughed and he also well he scratched the back of his head, when I was done, he hot a neautral look on his face.

" You're falling for him again "

I guess I was. But when didnt I ?

" Lana... "

" Two can play this game. "

Josh rolled his eyes, I just made up my descision. I smiled at him.
" I hope you get along "

" Oh we will "

Josh fist bump mine, and I went to the dressing room and dressed up for tonight's party, as Louis promise he would throw a tour party for the first day. I was waiting for the orders when I loghed into twitter and started a Q&A. My fans are amazing and funny, I answered every questions that I can answer. But then one tweet caught my attention

' arcticlanalex75: OHMYGOD I saw Lana and Alex at a café together a few months ago, are you guys dating again ?! @lanadelrey '

The user was keep on sending me her tweet and I favorited it. I dont think I can answer her question, Louis wouldnt like some unexpected news to come out.

Just then Alex came barging in MY dressing room in his signature look, but a wet hair look. He smiled atme but then furrowed his eyebrows when nhe saw me looking and scrolling to my phone .

" What ya doing there ? "

" Tweeting "

I smiled at him and he rolled his eyes, he tapped his finger to a song he was humming to and I glance at him he was just staring at me weirdly.

" What is it Al ? "

" Why dont you put down your phone and enjoy the moment outside ? "

" Im having a Q&A "

" Via social website ? Whats wrong with people this days ?! Always holding their phones ! "

I smiled at him, trying to mock him more, he groaned. Typical old turner.

He's My Favorite Nightmare // Lana Del Rey & Alex Turner Fanfic {EDITING}Where stories live. Discover now