Chapter 65 : Oh.. dear I'll love you forever.

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" How do I look ? "

I asked my father as I stared at the long glass mirror infront of me. My father was glancing at every inch of my upper body that fits the suit. I smirked to myself, I look really better in a suit.

" Well... It looks quite fashionable. But are you really aiming for a British Awards? For the suit that you will wear in your wedding ? "

He chuckled a little and stood up. I sighed, I liked my suit back then . But father is right. it's just like another replica of the other suit I had worn in one of the British Awards.

" You look very handsome in any suit my Son. Ofcourse all of my genes are the caused of it "

He winked and pat my shoulder as he stared at out reflection.

" Thanks Dad, that's what really I need "

He chuckled and I follow back. Then the salesman went back to ours saying comments that I look delightful. Ofcourse they'll say that they want to earn money.

" I would take the suit I wore earlier. The first one "

He was quite disappointed upon my request. But I would go to my own opinion and the first one looks very pleasing.

" Nice choice Alex "

" Thanks Dad. Have you picked out yours yet ? "

I asked him as he smiled and nodded.

" Yes. Your mother was very excited the day you told us you proposed to her. It's very nice to hear you're settling down already. I thought you'll grow old without a wife an' kids. "

He chuckled a bit and I smiled. Yes I never thought I would get married, married to a lovely woman. I remembered that day, when we woke up everyone was cheering when they saw the ring on her finger. We celebrated but without the drinks and all. Everyone, especially me were all delighted about the event. I cannot wait for me to call her ' Mrs. Turner ' .

" I hope you're very sure about this Al. I dont want you to make another mistake by choosing to marry her "

" Yes, dad I know. And now I never felt very sure about my future. Im in fact terrified what the future for us would be "

I sighed and rubbed my temples but still managed to smile.

" I was very much like you Al. But I couldn't take much to be away from your mother the very first time I knew what my feelings were. I wanted to marry her instantly. "

My father smiled at the memory.

" I was terrified. At first, but I knew then I shouldnt be , because your mother is with me, that she would be there for me no matter what happens. No matter my face would be wrinkled and I wont look very much handsome when I was young, She would be still loving me till the end "

I smiled and Dad was almost in tears and laughed it off.

" 30 years, she's been the loving and understanding wife and the giver of life to my one and only son. "

He smiles at me, our father session was then interrupted by the salesman, we bought the suit and went home. The drive was full of stories. We arrived home to a faint of smell of my mother's baking. I smiled and helped my father in getting some of the groceries from the car.

" I hope Elizabeth could cook for us sometime "

Dad said as we walked over the door and opened it. I sighed when I cant open it.

" Mum ! Were home ! "

I shouted hoping my mother would hear it from the outside, and from the looks of it, it would be impossible. I can hear the songs of some artist inside the house and I decided to put the groceries down to open the door.

He's My Favorite Nightmare // Lana Del Rey & Alex Turner Fanfic {EDITING}Where stories live. Discover now