Chapter 10 : A Very Bad News

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A/N: yip yip . heres a Healy chapter ;)

Matty's POV

Seeing her just makes my heart lub dub lub dub . Weird I know , Gemma is my girlfriend ,but what if I just can't move on with my former love ? I mean , my long puppy crush with her .Which isn't supposed to happen. But I let it happen ever since were kids. I liked her , I'll do everything for her .


As we load the last luggage that I have . I saw her walking up to me , I was taller than her anyway , but she was older than me , she has those beautiful eyes that you can see through her if she's sad , which is what I see on her , her eyes were watery and she tried to smile at me .

" Oh Matty , why do you have to leave me ? "

She asked as she looked at me , I shrugged , I don't want to leave her either , I wiped her tears with my thumb and hugged her. If only I can say what I feel , but still I'm just a kid .

" I'm gonna miss you MH "

She smiled and I smiled back.

" I'm gonna miss you too . Were going to contact eachother okay ? pinky swear ? "

I smiled at her and raised my pinky and she grinned and hooked hers with mine .

" Pinky swear ! "

" Matty were about to go , dont wanna be late "

My aunt shouted at me , I nod and took one last look at her . She was smiling at me and we walk to the car .

" This is it ? "

" We're going to meet again Matty "

" Yeah we better. "

As I rode the car , I looked back as saw her waving at me , forcing a smile I waved back and felt tears flowing down .


I sat back on my bed contemplating if I should just tell her to leave him , he doesn't deserve her anyway , from what I heard from Josh , it's like my insides are about to explode already .

" Matt , are you up ? "

I heard Adam knock .

" Yeah , come in "

He came in , looking confused as ever .

" What's wrong ? "

" Uh .... can I tell something to you ? "

" Yeah ? what ? "

" Please wear some boxers or something . "

I groaned and took some boxers laying in my bed and wore it , I looked at Adam again and he nod .

" So .... ? "

" Well I'm going to a trip with George , I came here asking if you want to come with us ? it's just in a few days . "

" No thanks . have a Safe trip "

Adam scratched his head and stared at me before he let out a sigh.

" Matt , Gemma wont be here in a few weeks , don't be shitty and just have fun with us . "

" I can't "

" And why not ? "

" I need to take care of something . "

" Oh shut up Gemma isn't here for you to take care of , well if you have an affair I would understand . Which I wanted to know , do you have an affair ? "

He's My Favorite Nightmare // Lana Del Rey & Alex Turner Fanfic {EDITING}Where stories live. Discover now