Chapter 38 :She is Everything

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Alex's POV

Waking up with my left cheek stung , fuck. What happened ? I rolled over to come face to face with a window , we were still in the bus and it was moving . It was dark outside . I stared at the streetlights ... But then I remembered her the way she looked at our first party being a couple. God she was so beautiful. Beyond beautiful, the way her face lit up when we walk under the lights , the way she laughed whole heartedly at my punchlines , it was an amazing night . Wishing it would happen again . But now it wont.And its my fault , I made her feel bad to herself , I treated her like she was nothing . But when all I know she was everything to me . I never made her feel special , and now look at me, Desperate for her to be with me , her dark voice that would echo through my phones speaker ; the smile that she gave me when she's very happy to see me . She was mine . I was hers . Why did I do that to her ?

" Al ? Are you awake ? "

I heard Nick whispering through the bunk curtain , I groaned letting him know I was . And it opened allowing the light to surround my bunk . What does he want ?

" Hey ... Wake up "

" bugger ... I'm awake . "

I said as I faced him . Nick was holding an icepack . How thoughtful .

" Here , Miles said I should give this to you when you wake up ..How are ya feelin' ? "

" Terrible ... Where's Kane ? "

" At the back , ya kno. I can't believe you did 'hat to 'er "

He said as he walked away going at the back lounge . I wish I haven't done that either, Nick . I sighed and placed the cold pack on my left cheek , it was aching like hell . Who knew Miles can swing a punch like that .

Walking towards her dorm , she swings her arm around me and kisses my cheek lovingly . How can't I love , this adorable little creature.

" Al... "

She whispered silently as she playfully bits my ear lobe .

" Yes ... Love ? "

" I love you "

She said as she stared right in to my eyes. Her eyes bore into mine . Her lips twitching in every single second I waste.

" Do you ? "

She asked this time , now frowning at me , I found it cute . Oh ...

" Hmm .. "

I raised my hand on her chin to lift it up and let her lips brush to mine softly .

" I love you too Lana . "

She giggled and kissed me slowly and passionately , her eyes closed this time , I closed mine and pulled her towards me she wraps her arms on my neck , I wrapped my hands on her delicate yet beautiful body and closed all the remaining space in between us . She stopped and brush her nose to mine .

" Did you know ... "

I look at her , her eyes lit up as the streetlights hit it . Her eyes was beautiful , you can tell shes happy on the way her eyes look at you . It was like she cast a spell on me . A magnificent yet lovingly spell that I would never deny , I would let it consume me . Even in a very long time or in eternal . She's wonderland , paradise , she is everything.

" Tell me something , something that you haven't told anyone , just yet "

She smiled shyly and peck my lips .

" I didn't told anyone ? ... I guess ... I'm lucky to have you ... Letting me love you .... "

I was caught off guard with that . My heart beating like it wants to jump out of my chest and just hop to her hands . So she can control my beats , every single time . It wasn't like any other before . Not even Alexa's, she is my first love , no games just love. And I would do everything just to stay in the relationship with Lana .

" Tell me something Al "

She said with a baby voice , it kind of annoyed me but my other self telling me it was the cutest thing I had ever heard .

" Well ... Okay let's see about that "

I chuckled and we continued walking entering Uni .

" Well ? "

" Its ever so funny , I don't think you're special , I don't think you're cool , You're just probably alright , but under this street lights you look beautiful. "

I looked at her for her approval , I just thought of that , remembering every single inch of her face and how perfect it was .

" You better make it a song Al . or else "

She giggled and hugged me ... It was not that cold outside but when she hugged me I felt like I'm going to melt.


Smiling at the thought of it. Her laugh , damn her laugh how much I missed it . I imagine Matty Healy making her laugh right now , seeing her happy and smiling so widely like a Cheshire cat every now and then , hands linked . What the fuck am I thinking ? I sighed and let my head rest on the pillow . I stared at the ceiling . I wanted to call her ... Tell her everything she needs to know , so maybe if she heard it she would come back to me . If she listen to me I hope she understands .

A/N : double update yep okay about the last chapter he he . I love this one tho . The adorable flashback huehue . lanalex 5eva




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