Chapter 32

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As I pulled up at a hotel , I gave the keys to the valet and went inside to check in. As I took my room key, I took my bags and went to use the elevator. Some people stared at me , well look who's famous. I thought to myself. As the elevator doors opened I went to look for the door of my room that says '114' and I found it after counting all the doors. I opened up the door and put my things down. I looked at my kingsize bed and plopped down . I stared at the ceiling. I noticed I just stopped crying along the way to the hotel. And I felt a bit better. not really . I recalled his voice . It maybe the last time I'll hear his voice again .

' beep beep '

I pressed the call to voicemail.

' Hey ... Kathie told me what happened . Its josh. Please tell me you're alright. I'm sorry. And don't blame yourself . that scumbag deserved what he got. just a busted lip tho. Talk to me if you have time . '

I called Josh back just to know if he was doing fine . I never imagined Al .. I mean Alexander having a busted lip and it was made by my friend . Well technically my best friend ..

' Hello ? Lana ?! '

" Hey josh . How are you ? "

' I'm fine ! you how are you ? I didn't expect you to call back . But I'm glad you did . i wanted to know of you're alright ? '

" I'm fine ..I'm worried. I hope you're not suffering to any major injuries because if you did I don't know .."

' I'm fine actually..He didn't fight back . I just had a bruised on my left arm but that's fine . '

" Yeah ... "

' Please tell me you're okay . '

I chuckled and tried to hide the fact that I'm hurt .

" I am josh ... I am "

' Cause if you're aren't that would be stupid ... Because He's a scumbag don't you know ? '

" Yeah I know . I should have believed in you already , right ? "

' Lizzie ... '

" No its okay . I don't deny that my now ex boyfriend was a cheating fucking scumbag. "

' Lizzie please do understand I just want you yo be happy '

" I AM HAPPY ! Don't you see ? I'm so happy ! "

I said with no humour in my voice I heard him sighed .

' okay . I better go . '

" Bye . "

I pressed the end call button . I hated my friends so much . I sighed and turned on the TV and watched some entertaining news , which featured of course what else ? Arctic Monkeys , saying about their headline tour . I just stared at the television , looking only at him , the way he smiled at the camera , but it wasn't the genuine smile that he always gave me every morning when I wake up next to him, but that was a year ago. The last thing I saw him lying next to me he got that smile he used during a photoshoot . Pure fake. It sucks.

' Arctic Monkeys lead singer Alex Turner was seen at their Album launch party and it looks like he's being the scumbag ? Well as seen on the photo of a paparazzi that was at the party , Turner was making out with a mystery woman in a booth in the pub. As we all know Turner is currently dating the singer Lana Del Rey , but was reportedly not at the party when he had kissed the mystery woman ... Some say that there was a bump on the road ... Was it true ? Will their romance continue ? Or it will end ? Tune in for more news after the break. '

I laughed bitterly at the screen as the commercials began rolling . They still haven't given up with that photo do they ? What do I expect ? After a few minutes it was the show again.

' Exclusive: Lana Del Rey was spotted staying at a five star hotel , some say she had suitcases with her when she checked in on the particular hotel . Did she just left the flat of Turner ? What's the meaning of this ? Is Lanalex over ? '

' On the other hand , on the past few months , Del Rey was seen out with Matthew Healy, a lead singer of the band the 1975, and in the past interviews Del Rey had, she still hasn't clear of anything about Matthew Healy , being a friend ? Or something more ? The singer is quiet and was reportedly missing the past two days, as what we see when Arctic Monkeys was leaving the country last night , Turner was alone, it was new not seeing the said singer with his girlfriend and avoided the paparazzis and haven't said anything about the reported cheating, and hasn't answered questions about Ms.Del Rey. '

I turned off the TV I wanted to laugh at everything. If only they knew what happened . Were over , I guess I needed to clarify that if I'm going to have some interviews because I'm pretty sure they'll ask me about it . As always . I yawned, very tired from everything that happened . And I closed my eyes , Shedding tears as I fell asleep.


I was sprawled onto the bathroom's floor , water falling from the shower , I was soaking wet, still wearing my dress . I cried into the shower . I wanted to cut but I don't want to disappoint Al. So I just wanted to die by hitting my head on the wall.

' Lana ? '

I heard him knocked , but I didn't care, my head was hurting already from hitting on the wall, I heard louder knocks I heard him scream my name but I didn't bother. And the door burst open . I closed my eyes.

' Lana ! what the fuck are you doing ?! '

He run over me and bent down and hugged me .

' Lana ... Please .. '

' I hate my life . '

' but that doesn't mean you need to leave me . '

I looked up to him, His eyes were watery and red , we stood up and we wrapped ourselves with a towel.

We sat in silence . And it was deafening .

' Whatever people say you are, That's not who you really are . '

He said and kissed my lips lightly.

' Will you let them get to you ? '

He asked ..I looked at his eyes .

' No . '

' we both know that it isn't the truth . I love you more than anything ..I would never want any girl , Nor look at some other woman out there . I only have eyes for you '

I smiled at him . He was the sweetest guy . I couldn't even think how I can find someone better than him . In just a simple way he made me smile , and I felt like those comments and hate about me being with him was stupid and meaningless, all I should ever think of is to be with Alex and never let go.


Well that was good. Oh well :(
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He's My Favorite Nightmare // Lana Del Rey & Alex Turner Fanfic {EDITING}Where stories live. Discover now